Because of a Football-Chapter 1

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  Two weeks. Two weeks of summer was all i had left until the start of my senior year. Most people i know can't wait to start whats suppose to be the best year of their high school life, but for me, it was just another year of blending into the crowd. Unlike my best friend Karington.

And speak of the devil....

"Annabeth!! You better not be sitting in that room of yours in pj's still, doing nothing!"

Karington burst through my bedroom door with the look of pure determination on her face.

"You can not sit in your house on the b-e-a-utiful sunny day. We should go do something fun, like go to the beach and check out some guys!" she said with a flirty look.

Karington has always been the crazy, upbeat, bubbly girl, ever since 8th grade. She always seems so confident around people,and always knows how to carry herself. That was always something i was always jealous of.

"Karington sometimes i regret becoming your friend"

"Oh you don't mean that. You love me way to much"

Karington went over to my closet, most likely looking for a bathing suit to try and force onto me. Rolling my eyes at the thought, i got up from my oh so comfy bed, grabbed a towel and went to my bathroom.

"Karington please try not to make my room like my closet threw up my whole wardrobe"

"Yeah yeah yeah, you tell me that every-time, yet every-time it ends up like that" she said while throwing a smile over her shoulder at me.

Shaking my head, i closed the door and turned on my shower.

Stepping into the hot water woke me up. It felt so nice to have the water relax my muscles. I massaged my favorite vanilla shampoo and conditioner into my hair and when i was done, i stepped out of the shower, wrapped the towel around my small body and went over to the mirror.

I was never much to look at. I was pretty basic, with brown eyes, tan skin, and long dark brown almost black curly hair. I was 5'4, with curves in the right places, but was never one to show them. I was just never one for attention in general.

Remembering that i didn't grab any clothes, i went back into my room to see Karington had already pick out my outfit for the day.

Walking up to her i saw that she had picked out some jean shorts that would really show off my legs and a off the shoulder black crop top and a red tank for underneath.

Sighing knowing there was no way in changing her mind, i grabed the clothes, some underwear, and a bra and went to the bathroom to change. Putting my hair into a bun and putting on my red converses, i walked back into my room, only for Karington to grab me by my arm and yank me down the stairs and out the house.

"Karington will you please tell me where we're going!" pleading to know some kind of information.

"So being the best and amazing friend that i am, i decided that im going to give you a makeover" excitment in her voice.

Me? I had shock and horror written all over my face.

A makeover? Was this chic crazy?

From the look in Karington's eyes, yeah i could tell. She was crazy. Especially if she thinks i was going to agree to this.

"Yeah that's not happening. You are not giving me a makeover!!"

Karington turned to me giving me her puppy eyes.

"Oh come one Anna! Let start senior year with a bang. We'll get you new clothes, change your hair up a bit, teach you the ways of make-up. I want you to enjoy your senior year instead of blending in like you always do." I could tell that Karington really wanted to do this for me out of the bottom of her heart. "You can't leave me to senior year all on my own Annie"

Sucking back any feelings i was having towards this idea, I thought hey maybe this will work out.

"Ok, so where does this whole makeover start?"

Squealing, Karington ran up to me hugged me and towed me towards her car for a day that will change me for the better.

I hoped.


Hey i was wondering if anyone could make me a really nice bookcover. I think it would really help the book pop.

Thanks for reading

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