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The magical spell of the winter night brought down the temperature of the soils so easily. The warmth was what everyone was after and so does the cold hard ground. Falling for the dance of the vapor in the air, it tried to catch that warmth which felt like embracing an ember in a dying fire. The twirling of those little vapours didn't last long as they slowly gave into the cold kisses of the icy land and they melted down remolding into droplets of water that shined like diamonds in the touch of the morning light. With the dew being shattered everywhere, it seemed as if it rained stars last night.

Heavenly is what earth looks like in the early hours.

Morning joggers and hard workers have already started to drip down the sweat off their epidermis. Gorgeous people wearing their fresh and neatly pressed uniforms were moving around the hotels reinforcing the luxury of those magnificent establishments. Beautiful white roses, cherry blossoms, daffodils, and peonies were replaced with their old selves to add their gratifying scent to the magical morning whiff. It wasn't much longer since the skies were completely lit by the warmest star and the city of light was trying to snuggle off the spell of night.

The beautiful Iron Lady stands gloriously shining in the orange light making everyone turn to it in wonder and fall for its elegance every single day. The outsiders and insiders; no matter how many times one has seen its beauty, it's a truth that one can't help but smile at its grandness and say, 'indeed, The Symbol of Paris.'

The peaceful morning silence of the golden suite room was muddled by the annoying ringing tone but the three naked persons sleeping on the silk mattress next to it remained unbothered. Sure that the night went hard on them. Getting ruffled by the buzzing sound, one of the girls pulled the sheets aggressively all to herself and covered her ears recoiling into a ball.

"Answer the damn phone." The other girl mumbled in sleep patting on the face of the man she's gripping on to. Her continuous face slapping worked as the man in the middle finally opened his eyes to take that unwanted call. Hissing in annoyance, he struggled to reach the phone without disturbing the sleeping round puff beside. He would've wildly cursed the one calling if it wasn't for the name he was looking at.

"Love!" his eyes widened reading the name on the screen and he hopped off the bed in exhilaration ignoring that there isn't a piece of cloth on him.

"Hello! Tao?" hearing the voice he admires the most but gets to hear the least, he stood still, dumbstruck, unable to believe what was happening.

"Amber." finally he spoke, heart filled with happiness as his lips spoke his favorite name. "Oh dear Love, I can't believe you called me."

"Stop calling me love, Tao." she giggled on the other side.

"You know I'll never do that." he was pleased to hear her sweet giggles which made his day already. "So, what made you remember me all of a sudden."

"I need your help."

"I'd be glad to do it. Tell me, Love."

"Aah, your fancy talk and the drama in your voice is just the same as ever." the smile on her lips was evident that she likes the way he talks or maybe flirts.

"Wish I could see that splendid smile." he's confident of what his words would do to her.

"You can't see my smile but maybe you could bear with Lisa's stupid talks."

"Really? Is she coming here?" The excitement was quite audible in his cheeky sounds.

"She won some passes to Paris fashion week and she's raging against me to go there alone, and I only have you to help me out." casually explaining the situation she added, "so, would you please take care of her for a few days?"

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