Chapter 1

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Me: I should work on my published stories.
My ADHD Brain: New story.
Me: Why?
Brain: You gotta.

Anyways, here's a new story for you all! I (hopefully) will get back to work on my other stories since I've written ahead enough for this one. But uh, yeah
Hoe you sinners enjoy!


A short pink haired woman was being escorted through the halls of a high security prison. The look on her face was indifferent and blank, which contradicted the pure shock that she was feeling. Two armed guards were walking behind her and around her neck was an anti-quirk device. As she passed the cells she could hear the screams, laughs, and cries from the other prisoners within them. To someone who wasn't used to the noises they could be described as the screams of the damned. And in a way, they were. Practically everyone in here was damned to a life of solidarity and imprisonment.

As she walked, she saw a group of prison surgeons and nurses file into a room and caught a glimpse of the person inside. The Hero Killer Stain. She had overheard from the guards that Endeavor had been the one to take him down just a day prior after he attacked and attempted to kill three U.A students and a pro hero. It's not much of a surprise to her that he was in this specific prison.

This prison held some of the worlds most dangerous villains much like Stain, all taken down by the hands of a pro hero. Well, all except her.

She remembered the day she turned herself in. It was two years and three months ago— when in a prison like this one there isn't much to do other than count the days— people didn't believe her at first. Why would a Forensic Scientist who dedicated her life to taking down criminals and villains become one herself? But the evidence had all been there, There was no denying it, and that following week after a closed trial, she had been sentenced to life in prison at one of the highest security jails they had with no bail. The only way she could be released is if they somehow found her innocent (which she already knew was not the case) or someone with high authority, more specifically someone within the top three ranked heroes, had authorized her release.

So if that was the case... why the hell was she being released two years into her life sentence?

The three stopped in front of the gates and the woman looked up at the man who was standing in front of the gate. They weren't massive, as the woman had been expecting, in all honesty they were kind of anticlimactic. Just two small iron doors that lead outside.

he cleared his throat, "Kowareta Kokoro. Your life sentence has been shortened and you will be released from this prison and into civilian life. Usage of your quirk has not been permitted, therefore your anti-quirk brace must stay on. If it is ever removed without our permission you will be brought back here immediately. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir." Kokoro said simply.

And with those two words, the doors opened and for the first time in 2 years she was bathed in sunlight.


"You sure this is a smart idea, Nezu, sir?" A skeletal man asked as he looked down at a rodent in a suit. "I mean, is it safe?"

"If it weren't safe I would be doing it, All Might!" Nezu exclaimed.

The skeletal man sighed and looked towards the doors, buffing up before they were fully open. He watched as three figures stepped out of the building.

There were two men which All Might presumed to be guards at the prison. In between them was a woman who must be the prisoner they were freeing.

She didn't look intimidating is the least, much less look like a murderer. First off she was short, probably standing at around 5'2. Her bubblegum pink hair reached her waist that looked frizzy and unkept. Around her neck there was a thin ringlet of tech— he could only assume that it was the device preventing her from using her quirk. The hero watched as she took in a deep breath and lifted her face up to the sun, bathing in it's warmth as the two guards took off the cuffs from around her hands.

"It's a pleasure to finally be talking to you, Miss Kowareta." Nezu said, the woman in front of them opening her amber eyes and looking at the two of them.


Kokoro's eyes snapped open at a new voice and she looked in front of her to see who had spoken. Her eyes landed on a small rodent of a man and the number one hero, All Might.

I guess that clears up the question on who let me out. But I still don't know why. She thought. "Uh, yeah, sure." She responded when she realized that they were staring at her. "Mind telling me why I was released? Last I was aware I was serving a life sentence with no parole."

"I'd be happy to explain! You see Miss Kowareta, I, along with the help of All Might here, released you from your life sentence to offer you a position to be the Criminology and Self Defense teacher at my school!" Nezu said a bit too cheerfully.

Kokoro looked at him with a deadpan expression, "Do you... understand what you're saying?" She asked. "Are you fucking insane?"

"I assure you I'm completely sane!"

Kokoro looked at him in disbelief. "I'm a convicted murderer."

"And before that you were a very successful Forensic Scientist! Besides, you won't be able to use your quirk for a while! If you prove to be untrustworthy we'll just throw you right back in prison!"

This guys insane. "I don't have a teaching license."

"We can easily take care of that! We have until next week to get you ready!"

Kokoro looked from the mouse to All Might, who just smiled down at her. He was no help. Pinching the bridge of her nose she let out a long sigh. This is fine. I've been released from a life sentence and asked to teach at a school- wait, what school am I even teaching at? She looked at the mouse, who somehow already seemed to know what she was going to ask.

"Ah! How rude of me, I haven't even introduced us! I'm sure you know All Might, so allow me to introduce myself to you. My name is Nezu, and I'm the principal of the famous hero school known as U.A!"

Kokoro froze. She barely managed to keep the shock from her face as she processed what she had been said. "Let me get this straight. You want me, a villain— a murderer— to teach up and coming heroes criminology and self defense? That is the most illogical this I've heard in years holy shit. Wait, what about your reputation? If the public found out you're letting someone like me teach-"

"Since the FBI and police didn't want information getting out you had a closed trial. The public aren't aware that you were the killer they all feared two years ago. They won't notice anything!" Nezu looked up at her with a smile on his face. "Anyways, I hope you consider the offer!"

Kokoro looked at him. It was obvious that the only options she had were to either accept the teaching offer or go back to her cell. She placed a hand on the back of her neck, "It's your head on the line with this and it's been a while since I've had a cup of coffee... what the hell, I'll do it." She said.

Nezu perked up. "Perfect! We welcome you to the U.A staff, Miss Kowareta! We'll talk more about what you'll be doing once we get to the school."

Damn, this dudes insane, but he got me out of that place so I guess I can't complain. I guess I'll see how this goes.

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