In Heaven || Six

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"I wish so badly to love you like how the sun loves the moon

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"I wish so badly to love you like how the sun loves the moon. But I am welled up with complete fear of losing myself in you. And for that, I am sorry."

In Heaven || Six


It was Friday. Uneventful as Jeongguk walked out of school with Taehyung by his side. They had agreed to go to Jeongguks apartment once again to finish their school project. It almost was nearly completed.

The last two days were, let's just say, not the same. Not that there was ever a routine the two had together but Taehyung's absence in calling him petnames and holding him close had come to a halt. And Jeongguk had taken notice of course.

That day at lunch where they held hands and sat closer than ever, that was the end of a beginning that never got a chance to get past the prologue.

But they had made an agreement, right? To stay just friends. Friends. That word again. What a weird word, honestly.

"You've been quiet. Penny for your thoughts?" Taehyung asked handing a Jeongguk a penny with a cheeky smile as they sat down in the car.

Jeongguk smiled deeply, taking the penny from the boy who started the car, "I'm stuck at a crossroads." He let out, looking over at Taehyung who had his eyes on the road as he drove down the main street.

Taehyung glanced over at him,
"And why may that be?" He asked turning his attention back towards the road.

It was a cold day. Cloudier than usual. It made Jeongguk feel quieter than usual, the whether matching his mood for the day.

"It's nothing all that interesting really." He mumbled playing with his seatbelt as he looked outside the window. Seeing all the passing buildings flashing by a in a hurry.

Jeongguk wanted to tell Taehyung he liked him. He didn't really know if he did though. Like him that is. A part of him told him to blurt out "I like you" but something in him kept shouting no. That someone like Taehyung deserved better. Better than Jeongguk.

So that was his crossroads. Two choices. Stay quiet or say your feelings. He chose the first one.

Taehyung already believed he liked Namjoon. So he decided to keep going with that.

"If it's worrying you, I think it does matter." Taehyung responded stopping at a red light, turning towards Jeongguk who looked at him meekly.

He continued with his words,
"It's alright if you don't want to tell me. But don't act like your problems aren't problems. Don't sweep it under the rug and get surprised when the dust piles up. Not solving problems lead to more problems." Taehyung said stepping on the gas pedal as the light turned green.

In Heaven || Taekook Where stories live. Discover now