In Heaven || One

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"You're like my favorite movie

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"You're like my favorite movie. I always wanna re-watch our moments together and you're always playing in my mind."

In Heaven || One


"You can't hide from him forever, you do realise that right, Gguk?" Jimin said getting his books out of his locker.

Jeongguk pouted crossing his arms,
"I know. But it's not like I can go talk to him. He's popular. And well... I'm me." He said glancing over at his crush, who was as always surrounded by his friends.

Jimin laughed, "You talk about Namjoon as if he's some God." He said shutting his locker, looking in the direction where Jeongguk was looking. Which was straight at Kim Namjoon. With his puffy cheeks tinted pink.

"Jeez, Gguk. If you want to make a move, you gotta start leaving your room." Jimin said shaking his head.

"I know, it's just- it's." Jeongguk stuttered.

"It's that you're too scared is what." Jimin said finishing the youngers sentence for him. "Oh, how about you go to Yoongi's  party with me tonight? Namjoon will be there."

Jeongguk shook his head, "I don't really belong at parties. You know that." He replied cutting his stare off from Namjoon to Jimin as they began walking to class.

"It's litterally the only way you'll even be breathing the same air as Namjoon ok. You can say hi. Yoongi's friends with him." Jimin stated stuffing his book into his bag.

Jeongguk sighed, looking down at the ground, "No, it's just that I don't fit in-" he said getting cut off as someone bumped into him making him drop his books.

"Oh- I'm sorry about that!" A voice said leaning down to pick up his books, handing them to him.

Jeongguk looked up to see Kim Taehyung looking back at him with that boxy smile. "O-oh, it's fine. Thank you." He said grabbing his books from the others hands.

"You're welcome, I'll see you guys in class later. Sorry about that, Jeongguk." He said giving a quick smile before walking over to Namjoon.

Jimin sighed, "God he's good looking." He said shaking his head looking at Taehyung.

Jeongguk laughed, tucking a piece of hair behind his ear, "He's nice. And I thought you liked Yoongi." He chuckled turning back to his best friend continuing walking to class.

Jimin put his hands in his pockets,
"I don't think he'll feel the same. But it's ok, as long as he finds his happiness I guess that's all that really matters."

In Heaven || Taekook Where stories live. Discover now