Chap. 22. Jun

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Your POV

"you really are an idiot aren't you" I said after helping him back onto the bed. He only lied there staring at me. He wasn't  glaring daggers which surprised me. "I have a few questions for you" he didn't say anything. I grabbed my chair and stuck it right beside the bed. "I can't force you to answer but the only way we can help each other is if we talk, alright?" still didn't say anything

alright..... this might be harder than I thought. "Lets start with something simple, what's your name?" I asked looking at him dead in the eyes. I could tell I was making him nervous. He still didn't say anything. "fine" I got up and walked out of the room. making sure I grabbed the sword.

I headed towards the kitchen. Zen was sitting in there, half asleep, having his breakfast. I placed his sword in front of him and scaring him in the process.

"oh good morning" he said

"got any soup?" I asked looking around.

"yeah should be some in that pot, they just made it" he said pointing at a pot on the stove.

I grabbed a bowl, filled it and headed out. I chuckled a little cus I knew I confused the heck out of Zen.

I got back to the room and placed the soup on the chair. Theres no way I'm untying him but he also can't eat something lying down. I grabbed his hand and pulled them to the corner of the bed post. "can you sit up like this?" I asked. he managed to move around and sit up with his legs hanging off the side of the bed.

"alright, let's make a deal." I pulled my chair closer and sat right in front of him. "you answer the question, and I'll give you a helping of soup.  sound good?" I waved the soup in front of his face. his eyes followed it like a dog with a treat.

"what's your name?" I asked. there was a long pause but he answered

"Jun" he said. I was taken back at how deep of a voice he had. The night before I was in so much of a shock that when he was talking with me I didn't focus on his voice but now I can hear it clearly

I stirred around the soup and then filled the spoon. I brought it up to his mouth. he hesitated. "I didn't poison it don't worry. it might be hot though, blow on it" and so he did. Then he took the spoon into his month and ate the soup. I pulled back and smiled. "not bad huh?"

"why are you doing this?" he asked

"I feel like we can help each other that's all" I said. I fed him another spoon

"even after what I did to you last night?" he continued. he looked away from me and looked outside. The sun was making its way up. and it was shining on me, it was quite warm.

"why did you do that?" I asked even though I know the answer

"I was hungry" he mumbled, keeping his gaze away from me.

"I know" I smiled. he turned and looked at me once again. I passed another spoonful.

"how old are you?" I ask

"well the last time i celebrated my birthday was when I was 20, and that was a few years ago so I'm probably 25 or so" he said putting a lot of thought into it. I was quite surprised

"how come you haven't celebrated it" I asked giving him soup

"you tend to forget the least important thing when you're worried about your next meal" he said. I gave him another spoonful. his last answer kinda hit home for me. not once have I thought about having a problem with food or having to worry about it. We tend to forget how grateful we should be when there are people like Jun who have nothing.

(a/n: facts)

"I'm sorry" I said looking down at the bowl of soup.

"not your fault, it was the path I chose" he said "sometimes we get to naive and chose a path in our lives that we know won't work but we chose it anyways and get screwed in the end. thats life"

Such words. I hope I've chosen the right path too. A path that Raji will be in.

"can I have more?" He asked pulling me from my thoughts

"Ah sorry" I went to give him a spoonful then stopped. I got up and placed the bowl on the chair and went to untie his hands. "I'm doing this because I trust you so don't make me regret it"

As the rope loosened, he pulled his hands from it and rubbed them. I went back and sat down, handing him the bowl of soup. Without hesitating he grabbed the bowl and started eating. I've never seen someone so eager to eat in my life.

"You'll choke if you keep eating like that." I said as the soup went everywhere "no ones going to take it from you and I can always get you more so relax"

He lowered the bowl and whipped his mouth. "So why are you doing this?" He paused "I mean why do you need me?"

"I am on a journey to someone and being a young girl on my own is dangerous so I want to offer you a job" here we go "I am not forcing you so if you don't want to then you can leave whenever"

"Do you want me to be a bodyguard or something" he laughed in a joking matter

"Yup" I smiled

"Who exactly are you?" He asked

Well at this point there's no reason to not tell him. After all he's going to find out sooner or later if he expected my job offer. And I'm sure he'll be happy living under the care of a princess.

"Alright. No point lying to you now" here we go "my name is y/n, I'm the first princess of the kingdom Bluewater"

He dropped his spoon


Sorry haven't updated in a while. Had to go back to work (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞



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