Chap. 16. Nothing can ruin this day

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I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and New Years! won't keep you 

here you go! enjoy!!

I woke up feeling better then ever. I could still feel all the emotions from last night and the warmth of it all. I have better feelings about everything going on and what I am to expect in this marriage. Just thinking about it all gave me butterflies. Not sure if those are good ones or not.

I got out of bed and got dressed. I stood on the balcony, the wind was cool while the sun was hot. It was one of the nicest day and nothing can ruin it. 

I made my way out of my room and started to go to the kitchen when all of a sudden I could hear loud angry voices coming from the study. this gave me an uneasy feeling. As I got closer to the study I could see Zen, Shirayuki, Obi, Kiki and Mistuhide sitting outside of the room. The door to the study was closed. 

"Whats going on?" I asked as I walked up to them. They all gave me a sad/worried look. this made me feel even more sick to my stomach. 

"Your parents are here" Zen said walking up to me. 

"What? why is everything okay?" I asked all concerned. He gave me another look. 

"You may want to sit down." He said grabbing my shoulder and bringing me to a chair. 

There were so many things going through my head. Did someone die? Who's sick? Is home okay? Are my parents okay? Is Raji okay? The questions just trailed on. My hard was racing and I was getting nervously hot. I shook my head. its probably nothing. I'm getting myself worked up over nothing. 


I was sick to my stomach. I was disgusted. 

"I am not apologizing for what I have done. It was what any King would have done for his kingdom." My father said sitting behind his desk. 

"so burning down a village was the right thing to do? that village wasn't even in your kingdom. it was in ours. We had it under control." y/n's mother said with disgust in her voice. 

"Apparently not because the whole town was infected and you did nothing. This could have been an epidemic if it wasn't for me. We made sure to leave get rid of everything that was infected." My dad followed up

"so killing innocent people was the right thing to do?" y/n's Father spoke. 

"100 sick people to save all of us thousands, yes it was the right thing to do. and I would do it again if I had to" My father spoke once again 

There was a village just outside of our kingdom that had spread a sickness that was killing them and could have spread towards us. So my father lit the village to prevent and spread of the virus. There would have been no cure for this unknown flu nor were we risking it. But id have to agree with y/n parents since it was on their land. 

"Look, we cant take back what was done. we won't need to have to worry about this infection anymore so how about we all calm down-" I started to say but got caught off

"Don't tell us to calm down. this isn't the right was to handle things" y/n's mother said 

They argued for a little more about how it cold have been handled. I zoned out, there was nothing I could say to make the situation better. The only reason why my father wanted me here for this meeting was to see how being a King was life and how I need to handle things. I turned around and stared outside. The sun was beaming into the room and warming me up. Sad that this had to happen on such a nice day. 

"you know what" the queen (your mom) started saying something which made me turn around. "I don't was our daughter in a household like this. I don't want her to marry into such a horrible family." she spat 

My heart dropped. The door swung open revealing y/n in the doorway. She put have heard what her mother just said because she had tears in her eyes and was staring right at me.

"y/n you shouldn't be here" King Yato (your dad) said getting up and walking towards her.

"no" she pushed passed him and ran to my side. "if this is about my kingdom as well then I am going to listen"

"y/n go pack your bag we are leaving and you are coming. the marriage is over" the queen said and got up as well, brushing off her dress.

"what? no" y/n wrapped her arm around mine "I'm not leaving, you cant make me." she looked up at me and smiled. I was still in shock as to what just happened but y/n made me feel at ease. she tighten her grip around my arm and I pulled her closer.

"y/n you never even wanted to marry him in the first place so I'm not asking, let's go" the queen said with more anger in her voice.

This stabbed me in the heart a bit.

"yes but what did you tell me when you forced me to come here." she let go and pointed at her father. "Father you said that it may be tough and it may take a while to fall in love with a stranger but once I do I will be so happy. so I took that and I made myself happy. Ive been here for a months and I couldn't be more happy." as she said that a huge smile crossed my face. She's happy here, that's so reliving. I looked over at my Father who was smiling as well.

Her parents stood their dumbfounded. "and with everything that happened I would have done the same thing King Shenazard. Those people were already dead and if he didn't do what he did the rest of us would have been in the same position." y/n added

"please y/n just go pack your bags" the king said 

"no" she spat. She then said something I wasn't expecting. something I didn't think id hear for a while. 

"I love him"


okay soooooooooo this chapter took a weird turn but it was something I was planing for a while and I just didn't know how to put it together. 

Let me know if you are are okay with this long of a chapter. I normally make then no more the 800-900 words so if this chapter is to long for most then I will shorten then my a little I just don't want y'all to be getting bored so let me know!





Ains :)

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