Chapter 15

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The wind was noisy up there.

Noisy and strong, way up on the crowded open-air platform high atop the Eiffel Tower. It was here that strands of hair swirled wildly, as tourists struggled to wipe their wind-gust-assaulted watery eyes amidst the mandatory task of positioning themselves for group selfies. The sun was no relief to the top-of-the-tower chill, which added to the suffering of the half-sleeved majority.

The Bhandar family was equally victimized by nature's force, and none too happy about it.

Gurinder wrapped his arms around a shivering Sonya.

"If she catches a cold it's your fault," Maneet declared.

Neela noticed Maneet's accusing stare pointed in her direction. "What?" She couldn't believe it. "My fault?!"

Dad scanned the sweeping views of Paris and frowned. "This doesn't look like those famous views of Paris in the photos," he whined, before turning to Neela. "Why doesn't it look the same?"

Neela did her best to remain patient. "Because there's no Eiffel Tower in this view."

Dad seemed confused. "So why are you showing us a view of Paris that doesn't have the Eiffel Tower in it?"

"Yeah why?" Maneet echoed, piling on just for the hell of it.

"Because..." Neela replied through gritted teeth, "you said you wanted to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower, even though it's better to just take photos when you're standing in front of it."

Mom's usual frown deepened. "If it's better to stay on the ground then why did you let us come up here?" she questioned. "If you are such a Paris expert, you should be giving us the proper advice."

Neela scoffed. It was the only way she could hold back from full-on screaming. "I did suggest that we should just take pictures out in front of the Eiffel Tower."

"When?" Mom said, appearing clueless as her brain created a totally revisionist history. "I didn't hear you," said added, before adding a heavy sigh. "Next time, give us better information so we don't waste money like this."

Neela lowering her head, but it wasn't an act of shame. She was staring down at the grassy surface several dozen stories below. But she wasn't looking for a suicidal escape.

She was plotting murder, or perhaps several murders, and it was only day two of the family visit.

God/'unknown force in the universe' help us all...


Several hours later as daylight turned to dusk, there was no one in Neela's vicinity who needed to be killed. Just a beautiful summer's night in Paris that needed to be enjoyed.

She rushed down the riverbank with a skip in her step, and an ear-to-ear grin on her face. It was a look of joy that had been noticeably absent since her family had arrived in Paris.

Her patterned summer dress flowed behind her, and unlike the feeling at the top of the Eiffel Tower, the wind was no longer a torture device; it was simply a warm summer breeze that held the promise of a perfect night...


Music and chit chat permeated throughout the charming outdoor bar by the river.

Dante and Tiff shared charcuterie and wine at a table facing the river, their relaxed conversation interrupted by an out-of-breath Neela.

"I'm here! I'm here!" she exclaimed.

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