Fighting Destruction with my Great Uncle

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"Simple, I would choose all three, split the apple into a third or throw the blasted thing away, caused more trouble than it was worth anyway."

"That...that...that was actually pretty smart, I am shocked" Jason smirked at his older cousin

"Hey, I can be smart if I want to, now do you see why I study the Trojan tactics?"

"Yes, but why study Hector mostly, I mean he was killed."

"Yes, he was, though in his defense he was facing a near invincible man who's only weakness was his heel." 

"But Paris killed Achilles and Achilles killed Hector so surely Paris is a better warrior than Hector"

Percy thought that his cousin was smarter than that "That might be the dumbest thing you have ever said. Think about it, Hector killed hundreds if not thousands of invaders as well as fighting Achilles one on one numerous of times before the demigod killed him. And think about it, Achilles was the son of Peleus the Argonaut on top of Thetis, on top of being bathed in the river Styx and had armour made by the forging god himself. Without the blessing of the Styx Achilles would have been dead several times over by Hector, a complete mortal who had no blessing what so ever."

"Yet Paris still killed him" Jason looked smug at his older cousin

"Correction, Apollo killed him all Paris did was stand on a wall trying to look pretty while pulling back an arrow. It was Apollo who actually guided the Arrow into the heel and it was Achilles fault for not bothering to protect his one mortal body part."

"I guess you're right" only for Jason to come back the next day and question him all over again.

Flashback over

He did enjoy arguing with his younger cousin, it was really fun. 

If Percy wasn't so distracted from his thoughts he wouldn't have noticed a giant winged Titan heading towards him and sweeping him of the ground. Just where the demigod was a massive being created a crater the size of a whale and jumped out of it chasing the winged Titan who now had a demigod in his hands. 

"What the Hades, do you know who I am?" The son of Neptune exclaimed

"I can't tell if your being arrogant but yes I know who you are, after all I am your great uncle"

"Nah, I wasn't being arrogant I was just making sure you knew you have the son of Neptune in the sky which is...wait did you just say great uncle?"

"Yes, I did and I know about you fearing your uncles wrath but don't worry, he can't hurt you in the sky with me."

"So, I am guessing you are a Titan"

"Of course only a being this awesome can be a Titan, care to guess which one, I'll give you a hint, I'm not Oceanus" the Titan joked

"Well, you have wings, I would say Helios but he isn't my great uncle, Hyperion?"

"Nah, I'll give you a clue, you have my blood but you won't consider me family probably" Sigh, this means that he is from Artemis's/Diana's side, well probably Poseidon's/Neptune's as well but directly Artemis's/Diana's. Did Percy mention he hates the different names why couldn't they just stay the same, a lot more simpler

"I see...Lelantos"

"Well done, wha ya think"

"I think that Apollo got his personality from you"

"Of course, I raised him, well helped raised him and he helped raised you so your welcome"

"For what?"

"Giving you an awesome mentor anyway as much as I love this family reunion big bad and ugly is catching up"

Son of Neptune: A Legend is bornOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz