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AN: Hey dudes, how is lock down going for everybody, I am currently bored out of my mind but in the words of my parents and most likely all of you "Who gives two fucks. Also I was thinking about who I would pair Percy up with







Percy Pov

Jason and Percy walking around the City of New Rome to get to know each other under Lady Lupa's command. 'I could think of a few ways to improve this' the raven haired boy thought to himself, but first he needed to know more.

"So tell me about Camp Jupiter cuz"


Percy thought that the explanation was rather simple "Well, yeah, Jupiter is Neptune's brother hence your my cousin"

"What about Ceres children then"

"Well, I suppose, unless I find one of them hot, then its fair game"

"Dude your sick, how twisted is that, your 12"

'Yeah, and your father is shagging his sister' is what Percy wanted to say to his younger cousin but instead decided to play the older cousin card that will no doubt become useful in the future

"One day, Jason, when you my age you might understand. Anyway tell me about camp Jupiter"

"For the record, your only two years older than me. Anyway Camp is the only safe place for demigods, its split into 2 sections, the 12th legion and New Rome. The legion is basically the army and its full of Demigods, legacies and even a few clear sighted mortals. While New Rome is basically a small city, well more of a town, it has 5000 residents filled with Lars, fauns, nature spirits and ex Legionnaires, along with their families. It is represented by 10 Senators elected yearly by the people."

"Whats the Senators job?" really did Lupa teach him nothing, Percy thought and Jason apparently thought the same thing.

"Lupa taught me the history of Rome starting from the Trojan war, all the way to the rise of Christianity and the fall of the Eastern Empire but nothing passed that. After that it was about being a good soldier, commander and politician but I never was told why." Which would have been really useful and he could've learned the ways of New Rome instead of finding the perfect tone to howl at the moon. He didn't really like the moon as it remind him of Lady Diana, the sexist goddess who killed men just because they had a dick. He also didn't like her because of other personal reasons but he shan't dwell on the past. 

"Oh, anyway, the Senate decides how we run New Rome."

"So are they in charge of New Rome?"

"No, the Legion run New Rome, and the Praetors run the legion, the Centurions also are in the Senate to represent their Cohorts. On top of that different sectors of New Rome are represented by people who live in that area and our voted in, there is 10 of them." This is so complicated, he better ask something else.

"Tell me more about the Legion"

"Well, its run by the Praetors we hold elections every 2 years at the feast of Fortuna or if one of them dies. After that you have the Centurions who are in charge of the 5 different Cohorts. Each Cohort has about 60 soldiers in and 1 Lar who used to fight for that Cohort in the ancient times. They are in order of 1-5 so the best go in the 1st and the worst in the 5th"

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