Fighting Destruction with my Great Uncle

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An: You know life is very hard sometimes, but I guess that is what makes it so interesting I suppose. You know this generation is going to be called the Corona generation. Imagine that, named after a disease caused by bat eating humans and a can of beer. What a time to be alive.

Percy pov

It was 1 a.m. The son of Neptune was currently wielding duel blades in a Silver chariot pulled by two home made water horses used by a local stream(he had collected the blade of Caesar from the ghost of the Roman legend himself, The Chariot of Menmon was a different story, it was guarded by those fucking metal birds that the Argonauts faced, the difference was HE DIDN'T HAVE A BLOODY WAR SHIP!!! ) fighting of, what seemed like, an endless army of Hell hounds, Telekeins and Empousas.

"Just collect some items he said. Become a Roman Legend he said. Do me a favor he said. I swear I am never going to do Mars a favor again, all this for some Armour of Achilles, Lord Vulcan made the armour then, why can't he make it again. And don't get me started on finding the Scriptures of Marc Anthony, I guaranty that I can make just as good tactics but noooooo send me to my death will you. Not going to lie though, the Spear of Hector is pretty cool."  Seriously what was going through Mars' heads 'I had a dream about the Legion being led by some mythical warrior so I am going to send a 13 YEAR OLD BOY to fight monsters to the death just to find them while I sit back on my godly ass and laugh.' 

Finally Percy was able to kill the last Hell Hound, sometimes it was tough being a demigod, don't let anyone tell you different. Percy got off the chariot and collected the golden spear, well it would be golden after a good clean perhaps in little Tiber, and the shining bronze armour. 

As he was brushing himself of from the gold monster dust, the chariot turned into a silvery light and disappeared, he then felt a pain under his shirt and saw a tattoo on his torso. The sword of Troy turned into a bracelet on his left hand like it always did but so did the Crocea Mors except on his right hand. The spear of Hector turned into a golden ring on his left hand and the golden Armour of Achilles turned into a necklace. So cool.

You would think that Percy would be excited about the armour of Achilles but in all honesty he was more giddy about the spear of Hector. He often told Jason the Hector was his favorite ancient warrior, he was the heir to the Trojan kingdom and the sole reason that the Spartans needed the entire fucking country of Greece to win the war. Many say Achilles was the greatest warrior in Ancient Greece, he would argue that it was Hector. He constantly had this debate with Jason.

Flash back

"I don't know why you study the tactics of the Trojans Percy, they lost, to Greeks of all people"

"I study them Jace because they were amazing. Think about it, the Trojans had everything against them, half of the gods, the entire country of Greece. For Olympus sake the ratio was 1-250 it was obvious from the start that they were going to lose. The fucking fates were against them all ready there was a prophecy predicting their downfall yet they lasted 10 years before they fell."

"Yes but they fell because of 1 man, I know the Trojans are our ancestors but that is just weak"

"They fell because Hector died, and yes although Achilles killed him it took him a decade to do so. Troy fell because of 1 man yes but that 1 man was not Achilles."


"Paris, don't tell my councilor I said this but who would choose the most beautiful girl"

"Well, he wasn't given much of an option, what would you do, if you had three goddesses banging on your door telling you to judge who was the fairest?"

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