Chapter 6

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Chapter 6             FIRST DRAFT 

The final bell of the day rang, and I couldn't be gladder to leave biology. Biology is usually a subject I favour, learning of evolution and our very nature, but today my head just wasn't in it, I haven't been able to concentrate all day.

When I leave the classroom, I see Stiles in the hallway stood by his locker, taking out his books and throwing them into his bag. I head over and he looks up, smiling at me, and places a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey!" He beams, his classic cheeky grin spread across his face and I laugh at his adorableness,

"Hey back." He zips up his bag and throws it over his shoulder, before using his opposite arm to take my hand in his own as we head towards the exit of the school. "So, I was wondering, are you free tonight? Breaking Dawn – Part 1 just came out and I've been dying to see it, and you can't even deny that you enjoyed the other Twilight movies, okay, because I watched your face and you were so into New Moon." I came out all at once, not giving Stiles a chance to interject before I had laid out my whole proposal, and he laughed, swinging our connected hands as we walked down the steps of the school.

"Hey! The only thing my face gave away in that movie was anger because Edward was being such a dumbass... but I mean maybe I enjoyed it a little." He gave in and I cheered,

"I knew it!"

"Buut" He began again and I sighed, "I'm not sure if-"

"He can't make it, sorry Danni." We turn around to see Scott behind us and I pout at him, "I need his help and he already said he'd do it."

"Sorry babe." Stiles said, kissing my cheek before he and Scott headed to Stiles's Jeep, leaving me alone outside of the school.

"That's fine, I didn't really want to see it that much anyways." I muttered to myself as the Jeep drove off out of the school grounds, and I began walking home.

A knock on the door causes me to pause my current TV show, Gossip Girl. When I answered the door, I found my pregnant neighbour and her two children holding jars at the other side.

"Hi Danni, I hate to bother you, but Billy and Breanne saw some fireflies earlier in the woods and wanted to catch them but with it being so late I don't really want them going alone. I know it's a big ask, but would you be able to take them?" My neighbour, Susan, asked, "I can't really keep up with them at the minute." She laughed, gesturing to her pregnant belly.

"Of course." I laughed. I didn't particularly want to take them but with nothing else but watching TV to do as Stiles was busy, I don't see the harm. "Come inside while I grab my jacket." I said as I opened the door wider for the two children to fit through.

"Thank you so much!" Susan thanked before telling her children to be good and wishing her byes.

I quickly jogged up the stairs to grab my jacket and my boots, and when I got back down Billy and Breanne were both stood by the door with huge smiles on their faces, which of course caused a smile to creep up on my face too.

"Come on then, let's get going." I cheered, herding the two children out of my house, locking up the door behind me.

The woods were filled with fireflies, I wasn't sure I had actually seen fireflies in person before, I'm surprised I've never actually noticed them as this is something, I would have definitively liked to have done when I was Billy and Breanne's age.

"Got one!" I turn my attention to Billy holding up a jar with a glowing bug banging against the sides. Breanne looked to her own empty jar jealously before heading over to her younger brother.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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