'Where am I? Did I die and go to hell and Satan is playing a prank on me right now?'

While deep in thought, the door opened and snapped her back into reality- if she could even call what was happening right now reality. A girl who looked to be 23 years old came in.

"Oh Lady Adelia, you're awake," the girl said with a smile on her face and proceeded to walk over towards her.

"Uh... me?" she asked as she pointed a finger at herself.

'Lady Adelia?'

The girl looked at her in confusion but didn't question her. "Yes. The bath is ready for you Lady Adelia," the girl stated and stood there waiting for her.

'Is she waiting for me to go to the bathroom or something? I don't even know where it is.'

She took a quick glance around the room and saw another door. She thought that the door must lead to the bathroom. She made her way to the door and opened it.

'Well... this is awkward.'

Behind the door was not a bathroom but a large walk in closet. She turned around to face the girl.

"Uhm... where's the bath?" she asked awkwardly.

The girl tilted her head slightly that it was barely noticeable. "It's right there Lady Adelia," the girl said as she pointed towards another door in the closet as if it was obvious.

"Right," she answered, feeling a bit embarrassed. She didn't understand why she had to feel embarrass. Of course she didn't know where the bathroom was. This was not her house. She don't even know who's house it was. The only reason she's following along with the girl was because the girl was being nice and respectful towards her, and even prepared a bath for her.

She sighed and made her way to the bathroom and took a bath with the help of the girl and a few other ladies which she thought was weird and unnecessary. When she told them that she didn't need their help and asked them to leave they refused and told her it's their job. Of course, that gave her a shock.

"This is our job," the girl said.

Her eyes widened. "Your job is to help me bathe?" she asked in disbelief.

The girl looked at her and nodded. "Yes, more specifically, our job is to take care of you and your well-being," the girl explained.

"Me?" she asked again.

"Yes, we are your servants after all," said the girl.

'What the.... I have servants? Since when?'

Although having people help her bathe was weird, it was really relaxing. She didn't have to do anything. After the bath, the ladies dressed her up, asking for her opinion on what dress she wanted to wear which, she thought was out of style, and what accessories she wanted to go with the dress. She agreed to whatever they chose. She questioned whether this was how the rich lives.

'Ugh, we should really eat the rich.'

"Lady Adelia," a voice snapped her out of her inner plan on how to eat the rich.

She looked around to see who Adelia was but no one gave any indication that they were Adelia.

"Lady Adelia," the voice called out again. She turned her gaze to the person calling for Adelia and to her surprise the person was looking straight at her.

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