"Hey you know what'll make your toys number one? Drop a little Dab-O-Dooley in that fun pack." Leo said while doing this weird dance with his shoulders.

"Or we could make better prototypes and get the toy company to sell them, then we'll be number one instead of the nurble." Chase said.

"You guys are ridiculous who cares if some little toy is beating us." Bree said. "I do we're heros, we should be number one I don't see any furry rubber ball saving the world." Chase said and I nodded.

"No but they do bring the world joy." Adam said. "How?" I asked and then Adam threw the ball at Chase's stomach making him fall the the ground in pain.

"See joy." Adam said while fist pumping Bree. "No this is." I said. "What is?" Adam asked then I made three electricity blasts and threw them at Adam, Jake and Leo due to their obnoxious laughing.

All three of them fell down on the ground in pain while grabbing their stomachs. "No one messes with the boyfriend." I said while pretending to dust myself off. "No one." I continued.


"Look guys I just finished improving our action figures with some cool new features check out Adams." Chase said as we walked into the lab while holding the action figure that looked like Adam

"Activating heat vision." It said as it's eyes glowed red. "Okay now show me the cool thing you added." Adam said not amused at all just like me.

"Bree and Dani's." Chase said while pressing the button on our action figures and it said "Activating superspeed whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh." "Super speed!" Chase said excitedly. "Super no." Bree replied. "Super don't." I told Chase.

"Check this out." He said while pressing the button on his action figure and it said "Calculating GPS coordinates." And Chase fist pumped excitedly.

"Oh Chase how can I put this in a way that won't hurt your feelings you're the worst person who's ever been born and this is the biggest waste in time and money I've ever seen." Adam said.

Seriously is it too late to "mysteriously" disappear Adam or should I go talk to Douglas now? "These are no better than the originals." Bree stated.

"Hello did you not hear the whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh?!" Chase said annoyed. "Look if you want to make these better at least add real superspeed into mine and super agility." I told Chase then left the lab.


"The nurble stared down at us from it's perch on the number one spot but we would not back down no we wouldn't because we're strong!" Chase stated.

"And boring get on with it." Adam said. "Alright now watch what happens when I press this button." Chase said while pressing the button on Adam's action figure and his heat vision activated causing to brake a vase in the lab.

"Cool I wish I could do that." Adam said and I face palmed seriously he CAN do that. "And check this out." Chase continued while pressing the button on Bree and I's action figures and they both super speeded away.

"Look at that little mama go you are going down nurble!" Bree exclaimed excitedly. "Goodbye nurble we're number one now!" I shouted getting looks from the guys. "Not that we care because we don't." Bree and I continued.

"Watch this." Chase continued while pressing the button on his action figure and it flew across the lab. "So realistic right?" Chase asked. "You can't fly." Adam stated. "Toy me can fly end of discussion." Chase continued and I put my hands up in defense.

"Look out!" Bree shouted as we all ducked once Chase's action figure flew away from us. "Chase kids can't play with these toys they're too dangerous." Bree said.

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