Face Off

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Adam, Chase and I were standing by our lockers when Bree came up to us. "Guys you will never believe what just happened, Jake Chambers asked me to go to the winter dance! " Bree said squealing.

"That's amazing congrats Bree!" I said while hugging her and she smiled. "Jake Chambers? THE Jake Chambers!" Chase asked. "Yes!" Bree said.

"Who's Jake Chambers?" He asked. Seriously I would expect these kind of things from Adam not Chase.

"The only guy who's even talked to me ever since people found out we were bionic, appearently no one wants to date a girl who they think was unvailed at this year's auto show." Bree continued.

"Yeah I hear you no one wants to date me either." Chase said then Adam and Bree laughed. "Seriously I'm standing right here!" I said. "Sorry." He said while kissing forehead.

"And really who are you even going with?" Chase asked Adam. "No one." Adam said while walking away. "That's what I thought." I said while high fiving Chase.

"Attention students this is your Principal, Principal Perry please report to the hallway where Bree Davenport is making a fool out of her self infront of the boy she has a crush on." Adam said throught the microphone.

Bree looked so embarrased as everyone was looking at her and laughing "I'm gonna just go."Jake said while walking away. Oh now it's about to go down.

"Why would you do that?!" Bree said smacking Adam. "Hey if Perry were alive she'd want me to do this." Adam said.

"She's not dead she's home with a cold." I said. "You don't know that, she could be dead by now and this is how I'd choose to honor her." Adam replied.

"Can't you embarrass someone else besides me?" Bree asked. "I could." Adam said before walking up to Chase and pulling his pants down.

Chase quickly pulled them back up but some of the students were laughing. "Adam come here." I said and he confidently walked over to me.

I put my finger on his arm and as it started electrocuting him due to my electricity his hair spiked up and he blew smoke out of his mouth before face plating onto the floor.

The student's were laughing and I earned a high five from Bree and Chase.


As I walked down to the lab I was not feeling good my head hurt, my throat was burning, my nose was runny, and I was coughing ever minute.

But when I got to the lab I tried hiding it because Chase had asked me to the dance already and I didn't want to disapoint him.

"Hey what are you guys doing?" I asked. "Getting revenge on Adam." Bree said. "Cool how?" I asked. "You'll see." Chase said.

Then once he pressed a button on the cyber desk Bree went from herself to.... Principal Perry?! "Wow I look just like her, I sound like her too and I'm not evern using my vocal manipulation." Bree said.

"The voice montrulation is built right in and if you want to change back to your own voice just press the other end of the tab." Chase said and Bree pressed the button.

"This is so cool this is going to be the best revenge ever." Bree said from going to her normal voice to Pricipal Perry's voice.

As Bree was about to hug Chase he stopped her "Let's just shake on it." Chase said and Bree nodded while shaking his hand.

∞The next day at school∞

"Attention students it's me again the real Principal Perry you know pantsuit, cats, hate you, any who even though I'm here sick at home I want you to know you all make me sick here too." Adam said before walking out of the office.

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