Which Father Knows Best?

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"Well Bree, you smashed your chip so badly it's useless but, I was able to replicate my brother's original chip and like my face it's flawless." Mr. Davenport said.

"Forget the chip we need to get this dude a mirror because we all know Dani's the one with the flawless face." Leo said. "Well I do make it work." I said while flipping my hair.

"Wait so I'm actually going to be bionic again?" Bree asked. "Yup." Mr. Davenport said. "Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you." Bree chanted excitedly. "Your chip is almost ready." He said and after it scanned it ringed.

"Ooh snacks are done." Adam said. "For the last time this isn't a microwave it's a chip fabricator." Mr. Davenport said. "Call it whatever you want I'm still making my minnie pizzas in here." Adam said.

"Okay Bree hop into your capsule and get ready for your new chip." Mr. Davenport said and Bree went into her capsule and put the chip on a stand.

"So, how does it feel?" Mr. Davenport asked. "Like a piece of metal got jammed into my neck and afused to my nerve system." Bree said. "Whooo success!" Mr. Davenport cheered.

"Alright give it a try and see how it worked." Mr. Davenport said. Bree then took off but started bouncing off the ceiling and then fell on the floor.

"Well she's still more useful than Chase." Adam said. "Oh yeah, I'll show you what's useful!" I said rolling up my invisible sleeves, I charged at Adam but someone wrapped their arms around my waist leaving me kicking the air and Adam standing back scared.


"You know technically speaking, your bionics are working." Mr. Davenport said. "You call this working?" Bree said but in a deep voice. "I can't control my vocal manipulation, I can't control anything!" Bree continued but this time in a chipmunk voice.

"I'm so close! It just needs a few tweaks." Mr. Davenport said putting the neck brace around her. "No offense Big D but if your brother's the one who created her original chip then maybe we should just-" Leo said but he got interupted.

"No, forget about him, I never want to see that waste of space again." Mr. Davenport said. "But he's are only hope. And he's not all bad he saved us from Krane." Chase said.

"Yeah you know what else he did, he blew up the lab, kidnapped you guys, stole all my money and tried to kill Dani's parents and possibly her too." Mr. Davenport said.

"All I'm hearing is adventure and excitement." Adam said. "Look I do not need any help from Douglas I will fix this okay and give me a little credit I happen to be a tech genius." Mr. Davenport said and Bree stood up from the chair.

"Okay let's give it another go." Mr. Davenport said and Bree breathed in and when she used her super speed she went backwards and crashed into something and Adam chuckled. "Mr. Davenport you are not good at what you do." Adam said.


"Did you try-" Leo said but Mr. Davenport interupted him. "Yes I tired that." Mr. Davenport said not listening to Leo's idea. "Maybe you-" Leo said.

"Maybe you should stand over there so that your peanut butter breath wouldn't distract me." He said and when he tried to fix the chip, it sparked.

"You know what, I need a break, that's it I just need a break that's all. Whooo break time." Mr. Davenport said frustrated. "Wow, I have never seen him like this." Bree said.

"Me either." I said. "I do, remember last christmas when he gained two pounds. Those fluffy sweaters weren't fooling anybody." Leo said.

"I'm scared guys, what if he can't fix my chip? I had a gift and then I just threw it way. By destroying that chip, I destroyed our team." Bree said.

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