Spike Fright

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We were all in lunch eating our food until Bree pulled out a hair the size of her arm out of the food making me gag. "Okay heads up stay away from Principal Perry." Bree said.

"Trust me that's the first thing I tell myself every morning when I wake up." Leo said. "Really? First thing I tell myself is shaving cream only looks like food." Adam said.

"What's the matter Flo, nervous? You should be one more messup and I will take you out." Principal Perry shouted at Flo.

"What are you looking at?!" She exclaimed at Leo. "You keep asking me that question and I'm still not sure I can give you an honest answer." Leo replied all calmly.

"Mind your own buisness if I wanted to be stared at all day I'd still be a catalog model for Bert's Chainsaws." She said acting like if she had a chainsaw at the end.

Adam then started to make a bunch of faces and Bree asked him "Adam what are you doing why do you keep making faces like you're taking a selfie?"

"Cuz that girl Sabrina has been checking me out." Adam said. "Ooh here she comes." He continued.

"Hey Sabrina couldn't help but notice you staring at me from across the room." Adam said smirking. "Actually I was looking at Chase." Sabrina said.

Adam laughed "Sense of humor I like it." He said but Sabrina turned her back on him. "Chase I wanted to talk to you about our chemistry project." Sabrina said.

"Sure I'll do it for you just give me your email and I'll send it to you when I'm done." Chase said. "Umm no, I wanted to do the project with you. I need a partner and I was hoping you would team up with me." Sabrina continued.

Adam, Bree and Leo all looked at me as if they were saying "A girl that's not you is talking to Chase what are you going to do?" And I just shrugged while laughing nervously.

"Chase this is when you speak." Bree said. "Umm yeah that sounds great meet at my house after school." Chase said. "Umm sure is that okay with you Dani?" Sabrina asked.

"Yeah that's fine no problem." I said playing it off cool when I was panicking on the inside. "Okay cool." Sabrina said smiling at me and walking away.

"Wow that was awsome no one has ever asked me to partner with them before especially a girl." Chase said while walking away all happy

Had he forgotten I've been his partner for projects this whole entire school year or what??

Adam then grabbed the cup filled with ice and dumped it inside of his shirt. "What'd you do that for?" Leo asked.

"I'm trying to wake myself up if a girl likes Chase over me this has to be a nightmare." Adam said. "And Dani how are you so cool about this?" Adam continued.

"Because it's not like he is going to break up with me to be with her." I said stabbing my plate and the fork but it went through due to my super strength. "Well it dosen't look like you're cool about it." Leo said.

"Leo what if he decides that I was just a joke since I was his first girlfriend what if he dumps me to be with her?" I asked. "Dani he loves you you're not a joke." Leo said and Bree nodded.

"Well that's not how it feels." I said grabbing my tray, dumping it out and walking to my locker.


As I was at the Davenport house hanging with Adam I saw Chase and Sabrina working on their project together.

"I can't believe how fast you're putting the molecular model together." Sabrina said surprised. "I can't believe you're still here." Chase replied.

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