12. Common Terms Of Canoodling

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T E S S A •

"She wants a one night stand."

For a fleeting moment, my breath got caught in my lungs and I stopped dead in my tracks as a flash of anxiety whipped through me. My eyes were as wide as Kim Kardashian's butt but thankfully Harry didn't see that as his back faced me.

"A what?!" I shouted after him, following the smug bastard as he walked out of the bar.

"You heard it right, sweetheart."

Seriously? Out of all the fucking things she chose him? Wait. Why am I concerned? And more importantly, why am I angry? It shouldn't affect me that the twatwaffle in front of me is going to have a one-night stand with that hot bitch, right? It's nothing new. He does it all the time. It shouldn't affect me. It's not like I am building a secret crush on him because of the way he licks his tantalizing lips. Or because of the way he seductively strokes back his brown curls. Or because of the way he looks at me with his captivating eyes when we are alone. Whatever his touch made me feel was just hocus pocus. The tingles, the sensations were just his bloody tricks to tease me. I know he does it with his gorgeous green eyes. So after assuring myself that it shouldn't affect me, I spoke again.

"Well, tell her I'm not interested in her." I frowned and he snorted.

"I can't believe this. She had the fucking chance to become the richest bitch in town and that's what she asked for?" I huffed.

"I don't judge her. I mean anyone would kill to sleep with me." The pompous asshole smirked slyly, arrogance dripping from his words. I rolled my eyes at his absurdity.

"If it would have been me, I would have asked for a cake factory or something." I lied. I would have definitely gone for the smug bastard. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he turned to face me. The wild wind ruffled his brown curls that lapped each other turning them into a hot mess.

"That's the difference between you and other girls, Tessa. They have better taste in meals." He winked and I pulled an ugly face. The douchebag thinks of himself as a meal. Alright, he is sex on legs but his arrogance and bitchiness ruins him.

"So did you agree?" I asked even though I knew the answer. There is no way he would have agreed to that kind of deal. I know Harry. He won't go so low and I mean it in both ways.

"I agreed."

"You are a douche!"

"Tessa our family is at stake. Do you think we have an option?"

"Yeah, right." I rolled my eyes and he shook his head before putting on his shades and pulling out his sports car remote from his pocket.

"She gave me the routes to their secret tunnels. Inform our men. We will go loaded." He ordered and I nodded, pulling out my phone and texting Alessandro and Xavier.

"Did you bribe her or threaten her?" Haze questioned, poking out her head from Harry's sports car while blowing her bubblegum.

"I just smirked at her with my tempting lips and the job was done like this." He snapped his fingers sassily.

"Boring." Haze rolled her eyes. Harry scowled and poked her bubblegum causing it to deflate and stick all over her face.

"Gross!" I grimaced while Haze smacked her laughing brother hard. "You nasty, awful motherfucker!" The whole ride Haze kept kicking Harry's seat from behind muttering profanities at him.

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