20. Harry Fucking Styles.

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"I am going to make you phenomenal," Haze claimed, monstrously smirking down at me. For a moment, I felt as if Grinch was peering down at me.

"Girls." She clapped twice and soon five more girls were hovering above me, blowing their fruity bubbles in my face.

"Get down to work. This thing-" She pointed at me and out of consciousness, I adjusted my free sized floral sweater. "needs to look like a chick. A real chick which would make every bloody jaw in the room drop. Am I clear?"

"Crystal clear, Mam." And with those words, started the most brutal and tormenting hours of my life.

I was victimized.

My brows were ruthlessly plucked. My skin was scrubbed, literally kneaded, and then smoothed. I swear I heard my armpits screaming for mercy.

"How do you feel, Tessie?" Haze chirped, getting her nails done.

"Tortured, tormented, and thrashed." I scowled.

"Awesome!" She chuckled and I groaned audibly. My hair was washed, dried, and chopped. They gave me a sexy haircut and curled the ends. My nails had a neat black nail paint. They had tapped some concealer under my eyes and then contorted my face despite my desperate begging that I have a structured face. They just laughed for five minutes straight after getting back on their work. Bitches. They laid a small streak of white liner on my lower lid, and black liner on my lash line, and to my surprise, it looked very natural. The smooth mascara lengthened my lashes and gave my eyes a seductive look. They highlighted my cheekbones and nose tip and the soft blush blended really well with my skin. They did a nude matt lipstick. Overall, I was impressed by their work.

"Put these on." Haze tossed a small kit in my lap.

"What is this?"

"Contact lenses."

"No. There is no way I am wearing those. I have beautiful eyes and I can see everything clearly." I lied. My eyesight was weak. Haze, not buying the shit, leaned closer to me, with her dangerously narrowed eyes and flaring nostrils.

"I am the boss here, Tessa Connell. Now put these lenses on. Don't make me do this the hard way."

"God, you really are the devil's daughter." I gulped. She shrugged, shoving the tiny case in my hands.

"I don't know how to put them on." I frowned at her. Groaning, she snatched the lenses from me. But whenever she tried to come even an inch closer to my eye I would legit jump out of my seat. After a couple of tries, Haze pulled back bearing a not-so-friendly smile.

"Sweetheart, if you fucking dare blink again or try to kick my hold off you, I swear I'll gauge your fucking eyes out and glue these fucking lenses to your bouncy eyeball and then knock them back in!" Staring into her fiery hazel eyes, I lowered back in my seat without a word. Few devastating minutes later, Haze ushered me to a wall-length mirror. I almost didn't recognize myself; mainly because of the tears in my puffy eyes (that spilled when that Grinch inhumanly shoved the lenses in my eyes) and the flimsy ivory dress the same Grinch had threatened me to wear which revealed all of my curves.

"Now that you look like a girl, you can go on a date with Mason." Haze smiled, sipping from her latte. We have stopped by a cafe for some coffee. The day kept me busy from overthinking about that douchebag, but now the wheels in my mind were back to work.

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