Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

As they reached Rose's den Scourge came racing toward them with Stream close behind him, the two showing concern looks as the came skidding to a halt beside the group.

Stream cried out as she nuzzled her daughter "We thought you were badly injured!" she then began to lick her fur clean of all the dirt and blood. Scourge sighed with relief, and meowed. "The way Kill was yowling for Rose saying you were injured made us believe you broke a leg or something."

"Well it's just a cut ear." Rose meowed in exaggerations, rolling her eyes, "All it needs is to be cleaned off and a bit of chervil to keep it from getting infected." She then padded into the den and the others followed behind her. Kill was sitting inside the den his eyes wide with worry as he watch his sister. "Kill dear, it's just a cut, nothing serious."

"That's what you say! But what if it gets infected and kills her!?" He screeched, then started to pace the den as he continued to mutter to himself about the many ways the small wound might kill his beloved sister.

Rose flattened her ears as she gazed at Kill, annoyance building in her eyes. "I think he's the one who needs a poppy seed." She meowed.

They all nodded beside Hawk and Dirt, who were very loyal to Kill. They merely stared at there friend with worried as their gazes followed him back and forth.

"Dear, come lay in this nest so I can fix you up and hopefully that tom over there will calm down." Rose meowed sweetly to the white she-cat who simply nodded as she moved to lay in the nest Rose had placed her tail on.

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