Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

As they came back, Claw stop and turned away from the hole in which they had first left through. Angel meowed to him, wondering why he wouldn't follow her in. "Where you going?"

Claw turned and meowed. "I'm not really welcome here, anyways I like to stay on the outside. I only came cause Scourge asked me to train you and....well he is my leader even if I live on the outside."

"Oh." She whispered her gaze looking through the hole to her clan before looking back up at him to see he had already disappeared. She turn and crawled through the hole and slipped under one of the garbage bins. She watched the cats for awhile and then saw her brother with his friends, as well as their mentors Stone, Chip, and Crow. She crawled out and raced over to where they were, but before she reached them she was slammed into. She tumbled to the ground and looked up to see her sister glaring down at her.

The brown tabby growled, "Now no one can save you, you worthless kit. Not our brother or your mentor, though I'm positive he wouldn't want to anyway."

She simple looked up at her younger sister, fury filling her from the constant aggression she always received. Her claws unsheathed as she slashed them across her sisters muzzle. Devil yowled in pain and shock as she began to backed off, Angel then jumped to her paws and ran to create distance from her and her now furious sister.

Devil glared at her and yowled, "Coward come back here you flea-bag!!!" She charge at Angel but before she reached her, a familiar muscular grey tom was in front of her and he lashed out a huge paw and threw her across the ally.

Rag the reddish tom who was Devil's mentor stormed forward and yowled in anger, "How dare you attack my apprentice!!!!"

Claw simply meowed back "You should have better trained her, for attacks can happen anywhere." Rag bristled at the insult and unsheathed his claws as he charge at him.

Claw jumped out of the way before turning back and slashing his claws across Rag's flank. Rag screeched, turned, and manage to grab his front right paw. Rag growled in trumpeted, "Got you now!" Claw looked down at him with his dark red eyes. "Are you sure about that?" he asked his meow was low and dangerous. Rag's eyes widen with fear as he realize he was the one trapped. Claw lifted his paw high before slamming it down on Rag's rib cage and then swatted him over the head knocking him unconscious.

Claw turned his attention toward Devil and meowed, "Do you still want to attack her?" he pointed his tail to Angel as she stared up at him.

"'m...ter...terrible....sorry..." She whimpered, then ran away to hide.

He turn and padded toward Angel. "You alright?" "Yeah." She stared at Rag as he lay unconscious. "I came back to tell you to be ready by dawn tomorrow, we'll do some more battle training and maybe some hunting," He turned to go and without looking back meowed "so rest." And then he was gone just as quick as he had appeared.

Kill came racing up, panic in his amber eyes "Are you okay? Did she hurt you badly? Did he hurt you badly?" he asked worry clear in his voice. "Nope, I'm fine." She meowed cheerfully, he looked relived for a sec before he was alarmed as something caught his eyes. "What happen to your ear, its cut!!"

She padded over to one of the puddles in camp and looked herself over, noticing the small tear in her ear with dry blood crusted over with dirt. "Hmmm, it doesn't hurt." She stated as she looked back.

But Kill was already panicking, his two best friends, Dirt and Hawk, just sat there with wide eyes as they watch their leader completely freak out over a small cut. He turned to them and meowed loudly, "You two stay and watch her while I look for Rose!" he then raced off in search of Rose. The two toms looked at Angel and then moved to stand beside her and taking protective stances, and growl at any who came near. Shortly after Rose came, a very unamused look as she examined Angel's ear and sighed as she told them to follow her back to her den so she could tend to her oh-so-serious-injury.

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