Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

6 moons later

"Angel, I'll get a dog tooth before you're even out of the alley." Hissed Devil at the white she-cat as she chased after her. Angel just hopped out of the way and ran over to where Kill their older brother was and hid behind him. Devil stood up after tumbling over herself and stormed over to the spot where her siblings were.

"Coward!" She hissed as she unsheathed her claws and tried to attack Angel, but Kill swiped her away with his big paw.

"Go Devil or I'll hurt you." Growled Kill, as he took a step toward the brown tabby. She looked at him and smartly backed down and turned to go, looking back to Angel to give her her I-will-get-you-later-when-Kills-not-there-to-save-you look, and stormed off. Kill looked over at his small sister as she stood next to him, still cowering slightly behind him. "Angel don't worry as long as I'm here I won't let her hurt you, anyway she's just a stupid fur-ball." He then walked over to Dirt and Hawk. They were both Cream and Flames kits. Dirt was a light brown tom that had already gotten a few scars on his dusty pelt, his brother Hawk was a darker shade of brown with a few random black spots.

The she-cat walked over to where she could hide under a garbage bin in the alley they called home. She lay down and just watch all the cats as some practice fighting moves, some sharingtongues, and others left or came from hunting. She laid there for quite awhile until a black cat with a white paw crawled under next to her. He had the same blue eyes like hers. "What are you doing under here Angel?" Scourge asked as he looked down at her.

She shrugged as she answered her father. "Just staying out of sight so no one bothers me."

He looked at his kit for awhile before crawling from under the garbage bin. "Come on Angel, out from under there." He said and Angel knew he wasn't asking, so she crawled out to stand next to her father. She took the time to compare their sizes as they stood next to each other seeing that she now reached his shoulder. Her siblings of course were bigger as Kill was already as tall as Scourge and Devil was a little shorter than him.

Scourge walked over to his garbage bin and jumped up. Angel followed him up and he sat down so he could watch the place filled with his cats. He looked over at Stream and flicked his tail to summon her over. Stream came running and then made a leap up on top of the garbage bin. "Hello Scourge, Angel." She dipped her head to her mate and daughter. "Do you want me to call over Kill and Devil." Scourge flicked his ear in answer and Stream yowled for her other two kits. "KILL, DEVIL, COME HERE!!!"

Kill came running with Dirt and Hawk behind him. Devil jumped up onto the bin from the shadows, she walked over to sit next to her sister, sinking her claws in her tail. Kill jumped up and sat next to Angel on her other side and placed his tail around her, forcing Devil to take her claws out as he sent her a menacing glare. She looked angrily back at him and then looked up at their dad. Kill's friends, Dirt and Hawk, sat at the front waiting for Scourge to speak.

Scourge looked at all of his cats and then turned to Bone and Brick as they jumped up and walked over to stand beside him. Bone whispered something in Scourge's ear and Brick nodded. The black tom then step forward and yowled so all the cats could here. "As you all know my mate Stream had our kits- Kill, Devil, and Angel. They are now six moons old and will now be given their collars so they may begin their training. Five other kits will begin their training as well Hawk, Dirt, Talon, Rock, and Blue."

The five cats came forward with joy in their eyes. Talon was a black tom with yellow eyes, Rock was his sister, she was dark brown with black paws and tail tip. Then Blue was Hawk's and Dirt's sister and she was a blueish brown she-cat.

Scourge looked at his son and meowed, "Kill come forward," Kill walked over to his dad and bowed his head. Scourge grabbed a red collar and put it over Kill's head. "You will now begin your training to become a warrior of BloodClan. Stone you will train Kill in our ways." Kill jumped off the bin and walked over to Stone a big grey tom with many scars. "Devil come," Devil stood with pride in her eyes as she walked over to her father. Scourge put a orange collar on his young spunky kit's neck. "Rag you will train Devil in our ways, which should be really easy." Devil gave Angel one last hateful look before she jumped down and walked over to a ginger tom.

Everyone waited to hear Angel's name come next, but instead, "Dirt come," all the cats were a bit surprise at this except Bone, Brick, and Stream. Angel was relieved that she was not being called next, then she became sad but hid it so no one would see. 'Does Scourge not think that I'm cut out to be a BloodClan warrior?' she asked herself.

Dirt's mentor was a black tom name Crow, Hawk's mentor was a brown she-cat named Chip, Talon's mentor was a grey she-cat with dark black spots, her name was Shadow. Rock's mentor was Night a pure black tom with amber eyes. He scared Angel every time she saw him, he was just so mean looking even though he was young and had no scars like all the older cats. The last kit, Blue got her mother, Stream, as her mentor.

The cat's began to leave, as they thought the ceremony was over. Then Scourge meow, "Angel come stand by me." The cats all stop and looked back, just as shocked as Angel was at hearing her name after she wasn't called after her siblings. They all turn and went back to their places as Angel moved to stand by her father a cold chill running down her spine as her father's next words met her ears.

"Claw come."

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