Village Fire

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Feet stomped the floor like rocks falling from the sky. Queen Lilian practically raced her own shadow on her way down to the village, Leaf, Solar and the Head Guard hot on her heels. Halfway there, the sight of smoke floating into the sky could already be seen. Upon  seeing that, Queen Lilian only sped up.

Seeing that she sped up, the two boys who followed sped up as well. Solar was running beside Leaf, they don't seem to overtake each other at all. As they got closer to the village, they could now hear the sound of panic shouting in the distance as they neared it. They braced themselves for a sight of utter distress.

A village house was lit up like a bonfire before them. Everyone around them was panicked, frightened, desperate-looking. It wasn't a sight for sore eyes. Queen Lilian almost screamed at the horrifying scene.

" Your Highness! You're here! " Queen Lilian turned to the voice of one of her guards who was running to her. She could see that she was holding onto an empty bucket.

" What happened here? " Queen Lilian demanded.

" We do not know, your Highness! There was a commotion and suddenly there was a massive fire! " replied the guard. Queen Lilian let out a stressed sigh as she turned back to the burning house. Without waiting another second, she picked up a bucket and ran to help, her guards following close behind.

" We must help too! " declared Leaf, to which Solar agreed to wholeheartedly.

" Leaf-ah! Solar! "

Leaf and Solar heard the calls of their names and veered to them. Kaizo, Blaze and Ice were on their horses who were galloping their way. Without waiting for their steeds to stop, they had already hopped off. " What's happening? We saw smoke and came as fast as we could! " Kaizo informed, but the two youngest brothers could only shrug.

" Twins! "

They heard the call for them and successfully caught the water buckets that flew towards all of them. Thunder, Cyclone and Quake we're running their way, seeming to have been there longer than they have.

" We have to stop the fire from catching onto the other houses. Carry as much water as you can to help! " Thunder ordered. Kaizo and his brothers immediately got the message and leaped into action. Indeed they practically sprung off their feet to take action, but the twins stayed.

" I can try and lessen the fire for us! But I need time! " Blaze suggested, already getting to work.

" I can summon more water for help! " Ice offered, already creating balls of water and putting them into buckets. " You can come to me if needed! "

" Roger! We will buy you both the time you need! " Kaizo assured as he emptied a bucket on a fire. The twins nodded to acknowledge him then went track to work.

What felt like hours was actually minutes. What felt like an eternity was actually a single evening of a day. For what seemed forever to them, they tired themselves out trying to at least lessen the huge fire that had unfortunately moved on to the houses next to it.

Thunder grunted as he threw another full bucket of water at the fire. He almost lost his balance and had to get on his knees to rightfully regain balance. He let out a tired exhale as he turned to the twins. " Guys! " he called.

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