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" You absolute idiot! You should've said something when you felt your wound reopen, you moron! "

" And ruin the beautiful moment? As if I have the audacity to do that, Cyclone! "

" Oh, please! You know you can be a real idiot when you want to be. "

" Most of those times are when I'm with you. "

" Yah! I heard that! I'm right here, you know! "

Quake chuckled at the quarrel happening between himself and his biological bigger brother, Cyclone, who was wrapping a new bandage around his newly reopened wound. Although Cyclone wore an unimpressed expression on his face, Quake knew it was all just a playful act.

" I understood that you were all elated at that moment. I was too. I guess the adrenaline made me lose all feeling of pain on the injury, " he said in a more softer tone, smiling at Cyclone who then wore a cute pout. " Look on the bright side, then. If I hadn't bled a bit more, Solar wouldn't have gotten the ingredient. "

Cyclone scoffed, but there was no bite to it. " Any one of us could have done it anyway. We are ALL brothers, Quake. " Although he did have a point, Quake just shrugged at him as he finished wrapping his hand.

It was when Cyclone turned his chair around they put their attention to the boy sitting on the bed next to them. " You've been quiet during our little argument there. Are you still tired? " Thunder blinked and raised his hung head to his brothers. They grew a bit concerned when they could see pale skin and bags under his eyes.

" I've gotten better. Just feel a little weak, is all, " he responded with a slurred and hoarse voice. He sighed tiredly, but gave his best reassuring smile for his brothers. Cyclone and Quake smiled back at him, receiving his telepathic message.

Blaze and Ice came in with their lunches that were prepared by the servants a few hours ago, which was now long overdue. They could see the color return to Thunder's face now, and the bags weren't very visible anymore. As it turned out, he just needed a full on meal to regain his physical strength.

Solar thanked Leaf who gathered their empty plates and exited the room with them to give back to the servants. He turned back to the direction of the bed, where his three oldest brothers sat and chatted away. Although he was elated that they were one step closer to the completion of the cure, he couldn't help but frown at the sight of the markings peeking out from his collar on his neck.

None of them knew where the castor touched Thunder for the completion of the curse. They feared the fact they didn't. They had to interpret it. Head or heart... Head or heart... Head or heart. Solar cleared his throat a bit as he stood up and joined his brothers by Thunder's side.

" Hm... Your magic energy is weaker than before. You shouldn't use your magic and let it rest for a few hours, " Solar advised. They knew that Thunder put a magic shield in himself to try and prevent any pain or injury on himself, but clearly it hasn't worked, since he is already weakened from the start.

Thunder sighed in defeat. " I guess I have used enough, " he nodded.

" Do you need any help stripping the magic shield off? " Cyclone asked. Thunder shook his head no and said that he would do it himself soon. The rest of their brothers gathered back into the room, and just like the others, surrounded Thunder at his bed.

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