Camping Trip

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Emma and Emilie watch, crestfallen.  HOTEL LOBBY - FRONT DESK - SAME TIME.

Marinette signs her bill, turns to Alya who tips the Bellman. "All set then. Where's Emilie?" Marinette asked. "I called Chloe who said they are on there way down now" Alya said. Everyone's spirits were low. "So uh, I'll send Emma back to you over Christmas" Adrien said. "And I'll send Emilie to spend Easter with you" Marinette told him. The ELEVATOR OPENS and Emilie and Emma step off, dressed identically in T-shirts and overalls. it's impossible to tell them apart. "Ok, lets go, Emilie, we have a plane to catch" Marinette said. "This one's Emma, I'm positive" Adrien said as he points to Emilie. "I hope your right, dad. You wouldn't want to send the wrong kid all the way back to England" Emma said. Adrien looked back to Marinette unsure of who is who. "Oh forgiveness sake, they nave different eye color" Marinette groaned as adrien looked at the eyes for both. "Uhh, I can't tell who is who" Adrien said sheepish while chuckling nervous. "Forgiveness sake, Let me see" Marinette said as she went passed and at both of them and saw both eyes blue no green. "What did you guys do to Emilie's green eyes?" Marinette asked. "We put blue eye contacts in our eyes" The girls said at the same time.

"Here's our proposition.  We go back to Dad's house, pack our stuff and the four of us leave on the camping trip" Emma said. "What about Emilie's audition in a week?" Marinette asked thinking she got them. "There's enough time to go camping and for the audition" Emma and Emilie said at the same time. "We'll spend three days camping and then we go back and tell whose is who and Emilie can go and do her audition" Emilie said. "The four of us?" Adrienette said at the same time. "And when you bring us back, we'll tell you who's Emilie and who's Emma" Emilie told them. "Or... You do as we say and I take one of you back with me to London whether you like or not" Marinette told them. "What if you took the wrong one? How will Emilie gets to her audition which has been her dream since she was six years old" Emilie told them. Marinette bit her lip before agreeing.

THAT AFTERNOON at Adrian's house-
As FOUR SLEEPING BAGS are tossed into the TRUNK of Adrien's 
SUBURBAN.  Adrien throws in the final bag as Lila watches, wearing a tight suit and sunglasses. "What am I supposed to do for three days sit home and knit?" Lila asked as Adrien sighed. Marinette exits the house looking very Out of Africa, carrying a backpack. "Excuse me, what is she doing here?" Lila asked annoyed that Marinette was there. "That was the deal, all four of us go together" Adrien said getting annoyed at Lila who was happy going camping with his daughters and his bestfriend. "What are you suddenly, the Brady Bunch? This is ridic--" Lila said. "Hi, Lila, Everything ok?" Marinette asked concerned.

"Well, no, as a matter of fact, it isn't.  I didn't realize you were going on this little outing and to tell you the truth, I'm not so sure I am okay with it" Lila said annoyed. "I agree.  The ex-wife in the next sleeping bag is a little weird" Marinette said. "Thank you" Lila said. " I insist you come with us, really. 
  Lila stops cold at the mention of going camping. "Mari!" Adrien exclaimed as he didn't want her to come. "Adrien, I messed-up up your entire weekend, it's the least I can do to pay you back" Marinette said. All Adrien can do is sighed and fake smiled like the ones he used in photo shoots.

Emilie and Emma exit with Chloe. As the Kids climb into the car, they notice Marinette and Lila come out of the house. Lila is now dressed in tight black work-out gear. "Dad, what's Lila doing here?" Emma asked. Adrien sighed before gritting his teeth. "Your mother invited her, be nice" Adrien told them as he got in front of the wheel. "The Girls look at each other, then to Chloe, as Lila smiles and climbs into the front seat. "Okay.  Have fun everybody" Marinette told them as she closed the door. "Mari? what are you doing?" Adrien asked confused upset that she wasn't coming. "I really think you and Lila need time alone before the big day" Marinette said. "Mom!  Come on, that's not the plan" Emilie exclaimed while Pouting. "Honestly, you'll have much more fun without me" Marinette said. "Look, if you're not going... I don't have to go... Trust me, I'm not exactly a big nature girl" Lila said having second thoughts. "But this'll be your chance to really get to know the girls... Starting next week, they're half yours" Marinette told her. Adrien catches Marinette's eyes. she blows him a kiss. "Have fun yall'!" Marinette waved goodbye as the car pull out.

"I would pay to see that woman climb a mountain" Chloe said as she turned to Marinette. "We really do need to catch up, how about a spa day?" Marinette asked as they went to Alya. "Just us three plus I need some relaxation, I'm to stressed this summer worrying about worked and in three days I would be back at work" Marinette told her. "I think that's a great idea" Chloe said. "What Great idea?" Alya asked. "Spa day all three of us" Marinette told her. "I'm gained" Alya said.

Soon they went to Chloe's car to go to a hotel with a spa so they can check in for three day relaxation. "And so let the relaxation start" Marinette said before getting a massage while Chloe wore swimsuit and went to the hot tub. Alya went to get a massage too before getting her nails done. "I kinda feel bad about leaving Nino with the twins" alya said as she sighed in happiness. "Less stressful, I'm sure Nino can handle it" Marinette said with her face down. "Your right, relaxing starting now" Alya agreed. "Hey, after that can I have a deep tissue massage?" Marinette asked. "I had a stressful week with my Ex husband and his Fiance plus my job gets stressful that I don't get enough sleep" Marinette said as she relaxes.

After both massages, Marinette and Alya went to where Chloe is at to get their nails down. "So Chloe? How have you been?" Marinette asked. I've been good, I've been helping Adrien since he moved here with Emma but I have a home back in Paris that I brought so I can move back when Emma is all grown up. What about you Alya?" Chloe asked while waiting for her nails to dry. "Well, I married Nino and had twins, a boy and a girl. I became a news reporter a journalist if you will" Alya replied. Meanwhile Adrien was not having fun since Lila kept complaining the whole way, he missed Marinette. He wonders what she's doing right now.

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