Marinette, Alya and Emma travels

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The arrived at the park, "your not Emilie" Gabriel told her as soon as they sat down. "How did you know?" Emma asked. "One, after you got home, you were trying to put off on playing the piano when I know that Emilie asked me when she gets back, two she has green eyes like my wife and son while you have blue eyes like your mother. Third after Emilie played the piano and spend some time with your mom, Emilie would go straight to the dance studio in the house to practice for the audition and last and finally, when Martin was unpacked your bags he informed me Emilie's dance clothes were gone" Gabriel told her. "You knew I wasn't Emilie and yet you didn't tell any one why?" Emma asked curious. "This was your chance to meet your mother, Emma, I didn't want to ruin that for you" Gabriel said. "So I'm guessing if your here that means Emilie is with her dad" Gabriel replied. "Yes, Emilie was a little hesitant to switch places because she wanted to practice with you while you play so she can be ready for it but I beg her to switch places since we both wanted to meet our other parent" Emma said quiet. "Are you mad?" Emma asked. "No, Emilie deserves to meet her dad just like you deserve to meet your mom but I do have one question?" Gabriel asked at the end. "How did you two meet?" Gabriel asked. "Oh we met at camp, we were fencing eachother when I beat her, we took of our helmets to shake hands, I were shocked to see that we looked identical and became friends. I was the one to figure it out" Emma told him. "I'm glad, I got to talk to you by your own name, Emma, now we better get going, you have a movie to watch" Gabriel said. "Thanks, grandpa" Emma said as she ran to the front door.

The next morning, Marinette was in bed, white satin pajamas, finishing a cup of coffee and a phone call to Paris.  She sketches a wedding gown on a pad as she talks. "Au, Mademoiselle.  I will have the sketch to you by tomorrow.  I look forward to hearing from you.  Thank you.  Au revoir" Marinette spoke in french. In the doorway was Emma, listening to her mother talk on the phone. Gabriel walks by and gives Emma a little nudge, pushing her into the room. "Hi, sweetie. Come in" Marinette said as she was working on a sketch with tikki by her side. Marinette had Tikki's miraculous on her. Marinate pats the bed. Emma crosses and climbs in next to her mother. "I have to finish this sketch and Fed Ex it to Paris, then how about you and I go out to lunch and spend the rest of the day getting lost in Harrods?" Marinette asked with her arm around Emma. "I can't.  Mom, sorry, I have to go out of town today" Emma said nervously. "You have to out of town?" Marinette asked while she thinks she's kidding. "And where may I ask are you going?" Marinette asked.
Emma SQUIRMS UNDER THE COVERS, entirely disappearing. "Emilie?" Marinette asked confused. "That's where I have to go.  I have to go see Emilie" Emma said from under the covers. "I see.  And where would Emilie be?" Marinette asked playing along. Emma's shape squirms further under the covers. "In Napa with her father, Adrien Agreste" Emma said.

As it hits her.  Her eyes widen. Looking up at Gabriel and he nods. Marinette's eyes instantly fill with tears. She lifts the covers to see Emma, hiding, scared to death. "your not Emilie?" Marinette asked but already knew the answer. "I'm not, Emilie" Emma said. "Your Emma" Marinette said. "I am," Emma said as she crawls out from under the covers then with her american accent. "Emilie and I met at camp and we decided to switch places.  I'm sorry, but I'd never seen you and I'd dreamt of meeting you my whole life and Emilie felt the exact same way about Dad, so we just sorta switched lives.  I hope you-re not mad because I love you so much and I just hope one day you can love me as me and not as Emilie" Emma said honestly. "oh, honey, I've loved you your whole life. 
She takes Emma in her arms. "Why didn't you tell me it was you all along?" Marinette asked. "I was scared" Emma said while tears fell from her face.

They soon break from their hug. Marinette wipes her tears. "I guess you have to switch us back now, huh?" Emma asked. "Legally, you belong to your father and Emilie belongs to me" Marinette told her. "His' and 'Hers, kids.  No offense, Mom, but this arrangement really suck" Emma told her. "I agree, it totally sucks, I don't want to lose you now that we've been together" Marinette told her. "Well, then I guess we'll just have to fly to Napa, see Emilie and Dad and work this whole thing out" Emma said. "I guess we will" Marinette said. "Will you be nervous about seeing dad again?" Emma asked curious. "No of course not" Marinette told her. When Emma left, Marinette went to grab her phone to call Alya. "Hey, girl, what's up?" Alya asked. "I need your help, can you come to my house and bring a bag with you" Marinette asked. "Say no more, I'll be their tomorrow morning" alya said. Marinette couldn't sleep wondering what's going to happened. She had a restless sleep and waiting for Alya to get there. The door rang at 7 am. Marinette ran to the door and pulled Alya in. "Mari, what's got you all frazzled up?" Alya asked but Marinette pulled her to her room. "Are you going somewhere?" Alya asked as she saw how messy the room is. Marinette wore a pink blouse with white skirt, she kept pacing and behind on her bed was an opened suit case. "Marinette? Are you ok?" Alya asked. "I can't do this, I can't do this help me" Marinette pleaded with tikki watching her holder going insane with the way she doing it. "Girl! Calm down and tell it to me from the beginning, what's happening?" Alya asked. "You know the camp where we send Emilie and the twins well, Adrien send Emma to the same place and Emma figured out they were twins and then did a twin spot because they look identical" Marinette told her. "I'm sorry, I can't handle this'.  I haven't seen or heard from Adrien in over eleven years and suddenly I'm flying halfway across the world to... I'm not mature enough for this. if the man didn't make me so nuts, I'd still be married to him. We came up with this-arrangement so we'd never have to see each other again" Marinette said as she put her sunglasses on her head. "Wait that means, Adrien has Emilie" Alya said. "I did not see that coming!" Alya exclaimed. Martin ENTERS carrying freshly pressed clothes. Look at me, Alya, have you ever seen me like this? wait Don't answer that" Marinette said. "Be honest, Martin, how old do I look?  No, don't answer that either.  Hey, what am I worried about? He could be different from the last time I saw" Marinette said. "If I didn't know any better I'd say that your still in love with him that's why you never remarried" Alya replied. "And Emma said that her dad is quite the hunk and he never remarried like you, ma'am" Martin said. "Emma said he was a hunk, huh? He was rather dashing. He used to make me weak in the knees, if you Can imagine that" Marinette said. "Imagine it, ha, I saw it, you used to stuttered and speak gibberish when you were around him and then when you started dating all the nervousness went away" Alya said while Marinette looked in the mirror. "Is that a grey hair?!?" Marinette freaked out and pulled it out. "Girl pull yourself together" Alya said while shaking her head. Emma ENTERS carrying an overnight bag. "All set," Emma said. Marinette quickly composed herself. "Good. me too. almost. Not quite" Marinette spoke. "Mom, your suitcase is totally empty" Emma told her. "Oh. Right.  Sorry.  Did you speak to your father, dear?" Marinette asked.
"Alya! You have to come with me, I need you" Marinette pleaded with her puppy dog eyes. "Emma locked eyes with Martin before looking at Marinette. "Uh, yeah, I just hung up with him, actually.  He said he's really anxious to see you" Emma fibbed.
"He did?  Anxious-nervous, like he's dreading it or anxious-excited like he's looking forward to it?" Marinette questioned "Anxious-excited, definitely" Emma fibbed. Again, Martin SQUINTS at Emma, just knowing she's lying.  But Emma rolls on... "He said he'll meet us tomorrow at noon at the Four Seasons in San Francisco" Emma told her. "Tomorrow?  My, my that's incredibly soon, isn't it?  Well, honey, why don't you run downstairs and gather our tickets from your Grandfather while I finish up here?" Marinette asked. Emma soon left with Martin on her tail. "Liar, Liar, pants on fire..." Martin whispered to Emma. Emma put her finger on her lips to shush him.

"Alya, I need your help, can you come with me please?" Marinette asked stressed. "Well you going to need your bestfriend to help you get out of trouble, I call nino and tell him that we're going to see Adrien to switch the girls" Alya told her. But first let's get you packed. "Thank you thank you" Marinette told her while alya helped pack.

That afternoon, Marinette, Alya, and Emma were out the door. A Limousine waits at the curb. Martin, in a black leather jacket and shades, hands the luggage off to the Limo Driver. "Can you take over for me at the company for a couple days?" Marinette asked. "Of course, Martin and Natalie will be there to help me," Gabriel said as he hugged his daughter in law. "Ok, thanks Gabriel, I'll see you when I get back," Marinette told him before turning Emma around. "Bye, pop" Emma said as she hugged him. "Say hello to my son for me" Gabriel said. "Bye, Em" Gabriel said. "You're coming to Napa for Thanksgiving, right?" Emma asked. "Wouldn't miss it for the world" Gabriel told her. "Say hello to your Father for me" Gabriel reminded her as she ran off. She waved goodbye and said "I will" before getting into the limo.

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