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Emilie and Emma were climbing a steep hill, wearing back-pack and baseball caps. They're followed by Lila, puffing and perspiring, dabbing sunscreen, on her nose as she tries to keep her balance. Adrien brings up the rear. Lila plops down on a rock, trying to catch her breath. "I'm gonna kill my trainer... He says I'm in such great shape... (rubbing her legs)
I can't believe people actually do this for fun" Lila said complaining. "Girls, hold on, we're stopping" Adrien called out. "This is going to get annoying real fast" Plagg told him quietly. "You and me both" Adrien replied.."why couldn't Mari come?" Plagg asked wanting to in the opened but can't since Lila is there. "Again? Dad, at this rate, it'll take three days just to get up the mountain" Emma told him. "That's one way of putting it" Adrien thought. "Lila isn't used to the altitude... Just chill, okay?" Adrien replied instead. Behind Adrien and Lila, we SEE Emilie SLIPPING LARGE ROCKS into Lila's Prada Backpack.

"Somebody hand me my Evian... I can't move" Lila said. Emilie spots a SMALL LIZARD, grabs it and places it on top of Lila's water bottle. "Here you go, Lila" Emilie said as Lila takes the bottle, lifts it to her mouth and finds herself EYE-TO-EYE with the LIZARD. She SCREAMS, tossing the Evian bottle in the air, losing her balance and SLIPPING off the rock. "Honey, you okay?" Adrien asked politely. Emilie catching the Lizard and said "This little guy was on her Evian bottle, I guess." Emilie holding the Lizard upside down by it's tail. "He won't hurt you, Lila" Emilie told her. "Get it away from me! I hate things that .crawl. It's disgusting... It's a lizard, it should be a belt. Ugh, how can you touch it? Put it down!" Lila said as she screams again. "Okay" Emilie said as she shrugged. Emilie walks behind Lila and gently DEPOSITS the Lizard right on top of Lila's head. Adrien couldn't handle anymore screams right. "Why don't I take the lead, you two help Lila?" Adrien asked before taking off. moves off. Lila rises, still not knowing the Lizard sits on top of her head.

"Sure, you're going to help me... right over a cliff, you'll help me" Lila told to the girls. "Not a bad idea. See any cliffs?" Emma asked Emilie. Lila GROANS as she now lifts her much heavier backpack. "Need a hand? Emilie asked. "Not from you, thank you" Lila said as she pulled away. "Don't think I can't see right past those angelic faces. one more trick from you two and I promise I'll make your lives miserable from the day I say do, got it?" Lila threatened. "Got it, Cruella" Emma said while Emilie was giggling. "What'd you call me?" Lila asked as she turned around. "Nothing, not a thing" Emma told her. As Lila turned her back to them. "Cruella" Emma said. "oh, Lila... I think there's something on your head" Emma told her before going ahead of her. The Girls-walk ahead. Lila reaches up and feels her hair... then her HAND lands on the LIZARD. She SCREAMS a BLOOD-CURDLING SCREAM and the Lizard panics and runs down her FACE and right INTO HER MOUTH. Lila's EYES BULGE, she SPITS the Lizard out, GAGGING and COUGHING. Adrien and the Girls run back.

"Are you okay?!? What happened?!" Adrien asked confused. Bright RED and in SHOCK, Lila stomps her feet and points to Emilie and Emma. We can almost see the smoke pouring out of her ears. "What did we do, Dad? We were with you" Emilie told him. "This is going to be a long day" Adrien thought.

A Little Later
Lila walks by herself, banging the buttons on her cell phone. "Please work... Hello? Hello?" Lila said to her phone. She stops when she SEES Emilie and Emma bent over examining something on the ground. Lila sneaks up behind them and OVERHEARS: "I didn't know they had mountain lions up here" Emilie said. "Oh yeah, the place is crawling with them" Emma fibbed while winks at Emilie. "An old Indian guide once showed me how to keep them away.
(picks up TWO STICKS and hits them together) Just do this and they'll never come near you" Emma said. The Girls pick up sticks and move off down the trail, Clanging them together. Lila stoops, picks up two sticks, CLACKS them together and follows.


Adrien, the Girls and Lila sit around the campfire. Everyone eats trout, except Lila, who sits on a rock, wrapped in a blanket, swatting at mosquitos and rubbing lotion on her arm. "You sure you don't want some trout, Mom? Is that okay, by the way? If we start calling you Mom?" Emilie asked. "I think your mother would prefer if you called me Lila and no thank you, I do not eat trout... for the thousandth time. I'll wait until breakfast. What are we having? Lila asked. "Trout" Adrien and the girls said. "We always live off the trail up here, it's part of the experience" Adrien told her. "What's the other part, being eaten to death by mosquitos? (swats at another mosquito, then looks at lotion)
You'd think they actually liked this stuff" Lila said complaining. "What is that you're using? (looks at the bottle, puts some on his hand)
You're going to attract every mosquito on the mountain. This is sugar and water... Where'd you get this stuff?" Adrien asked curious. Lila looks to the Girls, who busy themselves eating.

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