Adrien sees Marinette

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At the four seasons hotel in san Francisco afternoon-

Lila walks across the lobby with her PARENTS, a stunning couple in their early fifties. We can see where she gets her looks and confidence. "Okay, they'll be here any minute... Be nice, Daddy. He's everything you ever wanted for your little girl... plus millions more" Lila told them. "Then you know I'll be nice" Mr. Rossi spoke. "Okay, there he is... with the whole motley crew" Lila said as her face drops. The front entrance were Adrien, Emilie, Chloe and Sammy ENTER the Lobby. Lila rushes to greet them, kissing Adrien. "Hi, darling" Lila said as she nods to the others. "Emma, Chloe... And Sammy, what in the world are you doing here?" Lila asked. "Honey, a dog in The Four Seasons?" Lila asked Adrien. "Em begged me to bring him" Adrien said. "And naturally you said yes" Lila said as sammy barked at her. "Good doggy" Chloe whispered as she pets him. "Lila, these the folks..." Chloe said. "Yes! Mom... Dad... finally, you all meet" Lila introduced. "This is my fiance and the love of my life, Adrien Agreste and this is his adorable daughter Emma who we can all thank for bringing us together this weekend... This entire get together was her idea I'll have you know..." Lila said. "Well, how are you young lady, I've heard nothing but wonderful things about you" Mrs. Rossi told her. Adrien beams at that.

At the same time, a taxi pulled up at in front of the four seasons with Emma and Alya helping a little tipsy Marinette with their luggage out of the taxi. Alya and Emma guided her up the stairs. "That was a great flight wasn't it? So quick" Marinette spoke. "I've never seen you drink that much alcohol" Alya said. "I'm in trouble" Emma muttered. They led Marinette through the lobby and deposit her at the Front Desk. Miraculously, Adrien and Lila are nowhere in sight. Marinette RINGS the BELL a zillion times. Emma stops her by placing her hand over the bell. "Mom, you gonna be okay?" Emma asked. "Absolutely. Never felt better in my life. But darling, tell me 'cause I'm a bit confused... Have we landed yet?" Marinette asked. With that comment, Emma lies her head down on the counter. ACROSS THE LOBBY
where Lila, her folks, Adrien, Chloe, Emilie and Sammy EXIT a Dining Room. "-- I'm just saying, I know it's short notice,, but if they can do it, I think it would be a brilliant room for the wedding... Not too big, not too cramped... Not that I don't like the idea of getting married at the house... I do but this could be... amazing..." Lila said.

as Emma leads Marinette away from the FRONT DESK and toward a BANK OF ELEVATORS. Marinette tries to hitch a ride on a passing luggage cart. Alya peels Marinette off.


Sammy sniffs like a Hound Dog on the hunt, pulling Emilie away from Adrien, lila and Lila's Folks. Emilie holds onto Sammy's leash while at the same time, holding Chloe's hand. They are dragged across the lobby as they others stay behind. "I've already checked us in, so why don't we go up to the rooms, freshen up, then meet for lunch?" Lila asked. "Sounds good, I'm starved. Meet you back here in ten" Mr. Rossi said. "Perfect, sweetheart, want to check out the Honeymoon Suite while we're here? I bet it's to die for" Lila asked. At the same time, Alya, Emma were in the elevator when Marinette remembered that she forgot her purse. She RUSHES OUT of the elevator and CROSSES BACK toward the Front Desk just as... sammy sniffs his way toward Emma's open elevator. Sammy looks up, sees his favorite girl! "Sammy!" Emma exclaimed. Emilie and Emma locked eyes as SAMMY BOLTS from Emilie and leaps INTO THE ELEVATOR, paws up on Emma, licking her face.

At the front desk, Marinette grabbed her purse. and heads back to the elevator where she joins Emilie, putting her arm around her. "Mom!" Emilie exclaimed. Chloe's eyes widened seeing frenemy for the first time in 11 years. She tried to hide so not to be seen. "Honey, you didn't have to wait for me, I could've found the room by myself. Besides ...
(whispers) I've got to make a pit stop. Vodka makes you have to go like crazy... Go on, thweetie, I'll meet you upstairs ...
(Chloe sneaks a peek at her)
I mean, upthstair... uppth... upppthst...
I'll meet thyou up... thstairs!" Marinette said before leaving. "I like that jacket by the way. Were you
wearing that the whole time on the plane?" Marinette asked. Marinette turns back and just misses colliding with a Bellhop carrying a huge BOUQUET OF FLOWERS. Emilie slaps her forehead. "She's drunk. She's never had more than one glass of wine in her entire life and she chooses today to show up zonked" Emilie told Chloe. "Just do what the woman says and meet her upthstairs" Chloe said before leading her into the elevator.

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