Gabriel finds out

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"One sec," Emma said as she looked around her before ducking in to the hallway closet. "Ok, now I can talk, oh my god, Mom's incredible. I can not believe I've lived my. entire life without knowing her. She's beautiful and fun and smart, and she's amazing at designing clothes, I love the dresses and clothes she makes. And I got her talking about how they met, its romantic, they fell for eachother twice and what happened between them and if you asked me..." Emma told her fast. "Emma! Stop! We've got a major problem. You're going to have to bring mother out here immediately" Emilie exclaimed. "Immediately? Are you nuts? I've had one day with her. I'm just getting to know her. I can't. I refuse?" Emma argued. "But this is an emergency. Dad's in love" Emilie pleaded. "Get out of here. Dad doesn't fall in love. I mean, not seriously" Emma told her while laughing. "Trust me, he's serious, about this one. He's always holding her hand, kissing her neck, waiting on her hand and foot" Emilie told her. "He is?" Emma asked as she fell to the floor. "Its disgusting"
Emilie told her. "Well, you'll just have to break 'em.up. Sabotage her. Do whatever you have to, I need more time with mom" Emma told her. "I'm trying but I'm at a slight disadvantage I only met the man twelve hours ago. You've got to get back here to help me" Emilie told her. "I can't, I want more time with her, I've gone my whole life without her" Emma replied before she finds a candy wrapper in one of Emilie's coat pockets and wrinkles like it over the receiver making it sound like static. "Emilie, are you still there? I can barely
hear you... Emilie...." Emma said before she clicks the receiver. "I'm here! What are you..?" Emilie asked. "Operator... ! Operator... Sorry, think I lost you, Emilie" Emma told before wrinkling the wrapper. Emilie knowing what's up, holds receiver out from her ear. Thanks for your help, Em" Emilie groaned before hanging up.

Emma creaks open the closet door and crawls out on all fours, only to find her Mother, Grandfather and Martin standing in the FOYER, all looking down at her. "had a phone call. From a friend at camp. It's an old camp tradition.-.. Talk to your best friend from inside a closet... kinda stupid, I know but...
(rises, replaces the phone on the table, sighs) So... Breakfast anyone?" Emma asked.

The next morning, Emilie was in the dining room for breakfast. Chloe bringing two plates loaded with bacon, eggs, toast and pancakes. "okay, here we go, most important meal of the day... Eggs sunny side up, bacon, toast and just in case you're really hungry... a stack of humongous chocolate chip pancakes which smell incredible, if I do say so myself" Chloe said while places all of this in front of Emilie. "Chloe?" Emilie asked. "Yes?" Chloe asked confused. "Do you have anything healthy, I need to be stop shape for my audition?" Emilie asked. "Let me look," Chloe said before looking to what they have. "Ok, I can make you a protein shake but first eat at least one pancake and tell me what do you think?" Chloe told her before getting the blender out. "Deal" Emilie answered before eating a pancake. After eating a pancake, chloe brought out one water bottle to put the shake in. "Ok, one protein shake ready" Chloe said before handing it to her. "Thanks, Aunt chloe, and the pancake is really good" Emilie replied back. "Your welcome, but you have to eat something else, how about some fruits?" Chloe asked. "Sure" Emilie shrugged.

After breakfast, "where's dad?" Emilie asked. "He and miss-" chloe said as she imitated Lila. "I'll just have half a grapefruit, thank you, left about an hour ago. You overslept and he didn't want to wake you. Of course, I'd oversleep too if I was up at midnight making mysterious phone calls from my bathroom" Chloe told her. "I was calling Emma due to time difference" Emilie said sheepishly. "Its alright, anyways your Dad wants you to go over to his office as soon as you're done with breakfast" Chloe told her. "He does? Thanks," Emilie said as she shoved a strawberry in her mouth. "I'm done" Emilie said before taking her shake with her. She rises as Sammy enters, sees Emilie and GROWLS as he scoots around her. "That dog has gotten so weird! Bye, Chloe, thanks again for breakfast. It was great" Emilie said as she tries to push the door. "Pull, Emilie" Chloe told. "Thank" Emilie said before running while chloe just laughs before cleaning up her plate and Emilie's plate.

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