Chapter 2 : Is Everything Okay?

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"That'll teach you." I smiled smugly.

"Why you f*cking-"

"Tim calm down. No swearing. Damian we don't throw knives at people. We've been over this." Grayson said calmly.

"Well he shouldn't aggravate me." I responded.

"So it does aggravate you if I talk bad about him." Drake continued. I opened my mouth to say something but Grayson beat me to it.

"Tim that's enough. I know you don't mean those things, but stop irritating Damian." He instructed in a more firm tone. Drake muttered something and stood from the table.

"Thanks for dinner Alfred." He said and then left. Grayson sighed.

"He doesn't mean what he says about Jon."

"I know, he's just trying irritate me as per usual." Now I wasn't feeling hungry. I wasn't feeling hungry from the start but I ate anyway so as to not be suspicious. I set down my fork. "Thank you for dinner Pennyworth." I said.

"Did it not please you Master Damian?" Pennyworth asked, appearing at the kitchen door. I shook my head.

"Of course it did, I'm just not hungry." I responded. Pennyworth sighed softly and took my plate, retreating to the kitchen.

"Are you okay Damian? You haven't been eating much lately." Grayson said, standing and walking over to me. He cupped my cheeks to examine my face. "And you have really large bags under your eyes... Have you been sleeping enough? Is everything okay Damian?"

I swatted Grayson's hands away. "I'm fine Grayson. Titus just interrupts my sleep sometimes is all." I lied. Grayson studied me.

"Maybe you should keep him out of your room at night then." He suggested. I shook my head.

"I'll sleep worse if he's not with me."

"Okay Little D, as long as you're doing okay. If anything is wrong you can talk to me. Bruce, Jason and Tim too. And Jon." He said, smiling softly. I scoffed.

"Whatever Grayson." I turned on my heel and exiting the dining room. I spotted Alfred (the cat) lying on the couch. I walked over and picked him up (I did my research Alfred the cat is a male).

I carried him upstairs to my room, Titus following after me. I kicked the door shut. Titus barked and jumped onto my bed. I set Alfred (the cat) on the bed and laid down. Titus immediately sensed my discomfort and laid his head down on my chest, licking my chin. I smiled softly and began petting his head.

"Good boy..." I whispered softly. I glanced at Alfred (the cat) who was cleaning himself. I held out my other hand to him. He sniffed it before turning back to licking his paws. I closed my eyes, knowing I still wouldn't fall asleep for awhile.

I felt a tear trace down my cheek, landing on the blankets beside me. More followed after until I was quietly sobbing. I curled into a fetal position on my side, covering my face. Titus whined softly and snuggled into my stomach. Even Alfred (the cat) curled up near my head.

Dick's pov

I was settled on the couch in the living room, pondering about Damian. He doesn't seem to be okay, he isn't snapping back as much as he used to, he always looks incredibly tired...

I reached into my hoodie pocket and pulled out my phone. "I know I have his number... somewhere... here we go." I clicked on the contact and lifted the phone to my ear. After a few rings Jon answered.

"Hi Dick." He greeted.

"Hey Jon. How are you doing?" I asked.

"Fine, and you?"

"I'm doing well. I had wanted to talk to you about Damian." I said, sitting up to glance around. Damian wasn't around.

"Is he okay?"

"I was going to ask you that. He just seems a little off lately. Has anything happened recently?" Jon was quiet for a minute.

"I've noticed he's more tired than usual and less snappy... uh... Oh well today he got kinda riled up." Jon said. I raised an eyebrow.

"How so?"

"Well we were practicing defusing bombs for the mission I'm sure you've heard about. Damian got frustrated 'cause he didn't think he was working fast enough. After that he kinda spaced out for a minute. Then when he snapped out of it, he said he was done for today and sent me home." Jon explained.

"That's weird. But its not like Damian to be so hard on himself. He always has that massive ego... I'll keep an eye on him, thanks Jon." I said.


"Before you go," Jon hummed in response. "Could you also keep an eye on him? Especially at school and on patrol?" I asked.

"I will."

"Great thanks Jon. Bye!"

"Bye Dick."

I hung up the phone. Should I bring this up with Bruce? I decided not to. I'll keep an eye on him and if things get serious, then I'll tell him.

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