Chapter 9: Third Encounter

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A/N: After some difficulties, its time to continue this story. 

Ruby POV

Me: *cheerful* "I can't believe it! Ozpin really allowed us to go!" 

Weiss: "Ruby can you please be quiet. The rest of the academy doesn't have to know what we are going to do!"

Me: "But I'm so excited that we as first-year students get our first mission so early and we are going to see my family, the legendary team STRQ, in action!"

Yang: "YEAH!"

Blake: "She has a point. We don't get the chance of working together with a team of professional huntsman that often."

Weiss: "Huh. Fine. But when does your family come?"

Just as she said that we heard a knock on the door and I opened it to see my mother and the others. I let them in so we can tell them about our plan.

Qrow: "So what do kids have planned for tonight?"

Ruby: "Thanks to Weiss, we know that today a giant shipment of dust was delivered to the docks in the city and since we know that someone steals the dust in the city we wanted to go to this shipment in hope to catch the thieves."

Dad: "So you simply just want to walk in there and beat them up ... NICE!"

Yang: "YEAH!"

Raven: "When do we start?"

Me: "We wanted to go as soon as you arrived."

Raven: "Good."

Weiss: "But what if this thing attacks us?"

Qrow: "When my nephew attacks us we will retreat."

Weiss: "Wait. Did you just said that this thing is your nephew are serious?"

Me: *nervous* "Uh oh."

Qrow: "Ruby I thought you have informed your team about it after what Ozpin said to us?"

Me: panic* "Ehm Ehm Ehm Yang was the one who should have informed them!"

Yang: "HEY! You were supposed to tell them."

Qrow: "Well white-"

Weiss: "My name is Weiss Schnee heiress to-"

Qrow: "Psht Psht little Ice Queen. That thing that I address as my nephew is called a 'Vengeful Soul'. After what Ozpin told us about it they are basically wrathful undead who were killed in brutal ways and now want nothing more to get their revenge and do other gruesome things."

Blake: "And who killed your nephew?"

Qrow: "These three that I have to call my teammates."

Weiss: "WHAT!? You killed your own son!?"

I looked to the rest of my family and they all had shameful looks on their faces. I never thought that I would see this since normally they would still insult my brother but after Ozpin said that they created a big evil they were filled with regret, even Raven.

Qrow: "Yes they did it."

Blake: "So that's why I hear Ruby sometimes cry in her sleep."

Me: "How!?"

She didn't answer, but I felt Weiss' hand on my back and said that she is there for me since she wanted to be the best teammate I ever had. Qrow proceeded to tell Weiss and Blake about what they did and they both were shocked and disgusted.

RWBY: A vengeful SoulNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ