Chapter 7: Second Encounter

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Ruby POV

The following days were very peaceful. No Grimm attacks, no attacks from that strange creature, there are also now more Atlas soldiers in Vale, no bad things happened. Our parents were here and they even help me and Yang with our homework, and sometimes even Weiss asked them for help, but she never admits it when someone talks about that. But Qrow seemed distant towards the others and more into his own thoughts, he even drinks less from his flask and other sorts of alcohol. I wonder why I have to ask him later, but first I have to make myself ready for classes.

After I was ready to go we only waited for our 'princess'. When she was ready, the four of us walked to Port's classroom. This time without coming too late.

Qrow POV 

I was on the to Ozprick's office. Yesterday he messaged us that we shall help Glynda in her combat class by fighting against them and show them their failures, a few of them already looked like failures. But also there was a very embarrassing situation. 

I was watching them fighting and I sometimes watched behind me. Why? It is a habit that I evolved shortly before the kid's death, I remembered every time I saw him something doing and then looking back at him he was somewhere else or doing something else. And that habit caught the attention of some of the pricks or students if you want to call them that. They asked me about it and I accidentally answered that question. I said that I always look back because I was afraid that somebody suddenly appears behind me. I didn't say why I got that habit but raven made fun out of it. 'I didn't know that you are paranoid, brother.' said Raven and after that, the whole class laughed. I was furious at her remark. Glynda tried to silence the class but she wasn't able to do that so I did it for her. 'SILENCE!!!' and all the students were now calm. 'LOOKING AFTER HIS BACK IS A IMPORTANT THING IN A FIGHT. YOUR TEAMMATES ARE NOT EVERY TIME AROUND YOU TO SAVE YOU FROM BACKSTABS!' I tried to talk me out of this and it worked. After my outburst, I turned around and left the class. But before I left completely, I turned back to Raven and said 'If you only know why I have that and who caused this!' and her face quickly turned into a thoughtful expression. I looked up to Ruby and she was shocked like the rest of the class. It was probably the first time she heard me yelling.

As I was now in front of the elevator and waited. After some moments the door opened and I stepped in. On my way up to the top, I had to hear that extremely annoying elevator music.

Me: *annoyed* "Did he still uses the same elevator music?" 

After some seconds had passed the door to Ozprick's office opened and I could see the High Prick himself and his friend Ironprick talking. They noticed me and Ozprick started to ask why I'm here.

Ozprick: "Qrow? Why are you here? I thought you had classes?"


He and Ironprick were both shocked by me yelling at them. After some moments I calmed down, or at least enough to not yell.

Me: "Ozpin I will no longer teach your students here and them making fun out of me! If you have a problem with that then say it and I will take the first bullhead out of Beacon!"

Ozprick: "It's Ok Qrow, please calm down. But you said they make fun out of you. How did they do this if I may ask."

Me: "They all laughed at me after a remark from my sister."

Ozprick: "And that remark was?"

Me: "You know I have the habit of sometimes looking behind me to make sure nobody was behind. One if the pricks down there asked me why and after that my sister said 'I didn't know you are paranoid, brother.' and then the whole class laughed uncontrollably. I silenced by yelling an excuse for it."

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