-Adventure Awaits-

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Present & Modern

-Violet's P.O.V.-

I love the sound of waves crashing against the rocks below. Cold gusts of wind bite at my warm cheeks, the wind does not seem to know it's the beginning of summer yet. I shiver slightly, hoping that maybe the sun will appear and warm the air. I take in the view of the sea peeking through the morning fog. The golden rays of the sun lightly illuminate across the ocean, through the thick clouds. I brace my eyes in admiration while walking down the stone path leading towards the docks. I'm not usually a morning person but views like these remind me of why I should be.

I stop on the path, enjoying the view and inhaling the smell of the sea. I adjust my coat while pushing back a few strands of hair that have escaped my braid. I place my finger to my bottom lip, wondering if I've forgotten something for the trip. I'm almost certain I squeezed in everything I could manage to pack.

"Are you finished admiring the view? Or did you forget something at home?" My Brother's sudden voice startles me from my daze.

I swiftly turn around to face him. "My apologies, I was a bit distracted."

"Right, it sure didn't seem like you were longingly waiting for someone in particular..." his voice trails off while a huge grin forms across his face.

My body freezes in place, my cheeks run warm and my face drops in horror. It takes me a few seconds to react and I push him back playfully. "Shut up Ray! Someone could hear you!" My eyes are still widened, I probably look insane in his perspective. It's too late, his laugh has already escaped his lips and echoes into the thick humid air. I roll my eyes in annoyance, patiently waiting for him to stop. In a way, I feel a sense of relief to see him laugh. I prefer to hear his laugh than complete silence . Ive noticed how strange he's been acting since he's returned from his trip. I haven't had the opportunity to ask him how he's feeling yet since I've been so focused on this trip. A huge part of me is afraid of prying into his life, and the other part is concerned for his well being.

I know his sudden arrangement to marry Rayne Luzano, bothered him but the way he's been silent has me thinking there might be something more. Ray's laugh fades each second, by now he's returning to his senses. I notice the way his smile forms back into a line, so I decide to take the opportunity and be brave enough to ask him how he's feeling. We're still a few feet away from the docks, we walk side by side slowly in silence.

"Are you okay Ray? I thought you'd be staying home...?" I quietly ask, hoping the wind takes my words far away from his hearing. His eyes flicker around while the crease between his brows form slowly. I'm worried I've crossed a line.

Before Ray replies, he glances towards the docks, with a slight of fear reflecting across his grey eyes. I notice the way he flinches, as if something deep down torments him. A memory perhaps? He sighs and reaches out for my small suitcase. I shake my head in denial while gripping the handle tightly. He sighs deeply once again, annoyed and reaches out again. This time, pulling it from my small hands. My bottom lip drops, in a frown. I don't argue, instead I keep the silence and loop my arm with his. I anxiously wait for him to speak, to break the ice, or to say anything. I'm worried he's not okay. We take our time walking to our Father's ship. Ray stares ahead, he's probably thinking of an excuse to say to not worry me.

He's always been this way, whenever something tends to happen to him, he keeps it to himself. I on the other hand can't seem to hold in my feelings for too long.

Ray somehow always finds a way to cover up his real emotions, he makes you feel like everything is perfectly fine. When things are in fact, not fine. Ive always admired his ability to hide the way he feels. But in a way, I know its sad to hide things. It's not good to bottle things up, he must feel immense pressure to keep a stable image. Especially in a town like Crystal Bay, its not the type of town to let down your guard. The people here exceed perfection, when we're all far from perfect. It pains me to think Ray might suffer silently, alone in his thoughts.

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