Adrien meets Marinette again

Start from the beginning

Too late!  Emilie and Sammy jump out of the way as Adrien SPLASHES head first into the deep end of the-pool with Plagg in his shirt pocket. Marinette turns to see what the commotion when she saw Adrien pulling himself out of the pool and coming toward her, soaking wet, cheek bleeding, not looking terribly happy.

"Adrien, hello... Long time no see" Marinette said as she back up. "Please try not to go crazy" Marinette told him. "A little late for that advice.  What is going on?  I haven't seen or heard from you in eleven years and suddenly you're popping up everywhere I look and naturally on the day I'm--" Adrien asked frustrated. Emilie appears at her Mother's side. "Dad, I can explain why she's here" Emilie said trying to explain. "Emma, you know who this is?" Adrien asked shocked. "Actually yes, And I'm not Emma" Emilie told him as Emma appears on Marinette's other side. "Actually I am" Emma said as adrien was to shocked to say anything. Adrien looks from Emilie to Emma, back to Emilie, then to Marinette. She's nods.  He's speechless.

"Both of them? Emilie and Emma" Adrien asked shocked. "I guess you and Mom sort of think alike, cause you both sent us to the same camp.  We met and the whole thing kind of just spilled out" Emilie explained. "They decided to switch places on us, Adrien" Marinette told him. "Wait that means plagg knew since I sent him with Emma and he came home with Emilie" Adrien told her. "That means Tikki also knew" Marinette said. "Wait a minute. You mean I had Emilie the whole time" Adrien gawk at the news.  "I wanted to know who mom is and Emilie wanted to know who you were like and I had to begged Emilie because she was a little hesitant with a big audition coming up in two weeks, are you angry?" Emma told them.

"Of course not," Adrien told her before wrapping his hands around her. Em, you've been in London all this time" Adrien said before chuckling. "And what's this about a big audition?" Adrien asked Emilie. "I'm auditioning for the role of the Swan princess dance. "I've been taking dance lessons along with the piano and learning french since I was Six" Emilie told her. "Six? That's way to young to learn a language especially when your supposed to have fun at that age!" Adrien exclaimed.

"Your not mad are you?" Emilie can't help but asked. "I'm not mad at you, It's just... I can't believe it's you.  The last time I saw you... you had diaper rash.  Look at you... " Adrien told her before hugging again. "You've been with me the whole time, I can't believe it" Adrien said as he laughed again before picking her up. "Well, I'm quite grown up now and quite without a father" Emilie told him. "And I'm headed into my crazy mixed'-UP teenage years and I'll be the only girl I know without a mother to fight with" Emma said. "Mom's amazing, Dad... I don't know how you ever let her go" Emma whispered.

"Girls, why don't you let your father and I talk for a couple of minutes, okay?" Marinette asked as they nodded before leaving to go their room. Adrien takes a tower as they ran off.  "oh, man, I can't believe this.  Seeing them together... and you... and..." Adrien told her while chuckling at the thought of them switching places. "How are you, Mari or does everyone call you Marinette now?" Adrien asked. "No, no Mari's fine, I've been terrific, how about you?" Marinette asked. "I've seen better days," Adrien laughs as he touches his cheek. "Ouch" Adrien winced. "Well it could've been worse, it's just cheek now being a superhero was dangerous because you could get hurt" Marinette told him.

"True, but I wouldn't changed it for anything" Adrien told her. "Let me help you with that? (to passing Towel Boy) Excuse me, do you have a First-Aid kit?" Marinette asked. "Kid, next time warned me when you going into the pool, I hate water, I'm a cat" plagg complained as he was hidden from sight. "You guys knew that they switch and didn't tell us?" Marinette asked disappointed. "I told them it was a bad idea, are you ok? Adrien?" Tikki asked. "A part from the scratch, I'm fine just shocked" Adrien told her. "I'm sorry for keeping it a secret, Marinette" Tikki apologized. "Its ok, Emma can be pretty persuasive" Adrien told her.

"Hide," Marinette whispered to the kwami's. Tikki and And plagg went into Marinette's purse. The towel boy came back with first date kit. "Thank you" Marinette said as the boy nodded before walking away. Marinette sits beside Adrien, tending to his cut. "How's my dad?" Adrien asked a little curious. "Well, after you left, a few months later Gabriel started dating Natalie and two years later and they're married. He changed when Emilie and Emma were born. He didn't want to do to Emilie to what he did when you were a teenager. He taught Emilie how to play the piano because after Emilie got home from her dance lesson, she heard music being played in a room she hadn't been in yet, she asked if he could teach her how to play and he said yes and everyday after her dance lesson she would go to him to play.

Gabriel put her in Fencing lessons when she was a little bit older around eight, when her fencing matches we would make time to cheer her on thats what made her love it so much even though we get really busy designing clothes that we make time to go to her matches. And then we put in voice lessons because we heard her sing beautifully. She was homeschooled most of her life because she was too busy to have time to go so we got her tutors for English, french, history, and science" Marinette told him.

"I-I-Is she doing photoshoots? Adrien asked nervously since Emilie is doing what he did when he was a teenager being homeschooled most of his life, he didn't want that to happen to his kids and yet history is repeated itself. That's why he put Emma in school because being stuck at home instead of school will damage to how you talk to people. Just like how he was at first and Emilie is exactly like him all she would have to do was do photoshoots and she was exactly like him to the point where its unbelievable similar. "Oh no, she's way to young for that, Gabriel and I said no when A photographer saw Emilie when she first time at a photoshoot, we didn't want that to happen to her. We wanted her to be herself not have to be perfect all the time because no one's perfect not even me, I definitely have flaws" Marinette rambled.

"I can't believe it, you haven't changed a bit" Adrien told her. "Except some grey hairs" adrien told her while chuckling. Marinette began to freak out, while trying to find the grey hair. "I'm kidding, you really haven't changed a bit but seriously Your purrfect in every way" Adrien said while laughing. "You still do puns?" Marinette asked while laughing and punching him from making her freak out. "They're hisstorical" Adrien said. "From time to time, I missed this where we can just relax like and just laugh like we did when we were on rooftops enjoying eachother's company" Adrien told her. "Me too, life's getting stressful with the work that I had to resort wine or something that often got me drunk and staying up late. And got even more stressful about coming here that I was drunk on the plane, I was worried how you would react" Marinette told him truthfully.

"But I didn't have to worry about here" Marinette told him. "How late do you stay up?" Adrien asked concerned. "Well, when Emilie was at camp, I had hundreds of orders to make from my designs that I had to hired more help. With help, the orders went down and I only had to stay up until 1 usually it was two but Gabriel took some of my load so it was little less stressful" Marinette told him. "You really need to go to bed at an reasonable hour, your health will go down if you keep doing that and I don't think Tikki wants to lose you due to your health. I most certainly don't and neither Emilie or Emma don't want to lose you" Adrien told her. "Your right" Marinette said.

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