"I-I'm not sure I understand" The brunette stuttered, unease settling in his stomach as Namjoon's lips curled into a near catlike grin.

Taehyung jumped as a loud thud pierced the room.

He turned to see Yoongi's silver dagger lodged up to the hilt into a crumbling, age-bitten map pinned to the plaster. Its wrinkled skin was marked by dozens of overlapping hues of marker and pen, detailed further by dozens of small pictures and cliff-notes scattered haphazardly around the space.

"That, is the exact location of Na Junseo's mafia. He runs a rather small branch of the Kim mob under the guise of your father. They're strong but they lack a certain unity within their ranks and hardly compare to the more powerful subsections of the Kim mob. They, most importantly, aren't high enough to garner attention from Songmin himself, rather they function through his orders delivered by informants." Namjoon explained, tone patient yet there was a hint of cunning underlaying the words as well.

At his side, Jeongguk's hands were curled into fists as his body nearly shook with barely contained rage. 

"Isn't that-" Hoseok started, voice quiet as he pointed a confused finger at the spot marked by Yoongi's dagger. His movements were anxious, eyes trained on the tense set to Jeongguk's shoulders. He feet were poised to run, if necessary.

"Yes. That's my mafia." Jeongguk cut in, chill tone coated with a thick layer of ice. Though, he had yet to remove his piercing gaze from Namjoon. Steam was practically pouring from the ravenette's ears, however, Taehyung was too caught up in the confusion rising quickly within him to notice.

"I will not let that child ruin the years worth of work I have put in to maintain my cover, to build trust, one that's fragile enough as it is, Joon. You can forget it." Jeongguk spat, tone casting the room into a state of frail tension, one that if pricked, would shatter into jagged fragments.

"My mind's already been made up Jeongguk." Namjoon's words were equally as cool as his hand danced in Taehyung's direction absentmindedly. "And seeing that Taehyung has agreed to comply with whatever we ask of him-"

"I'm sorry." Taehyung cut, hand raised and eyebrows furrowed, thoroughly confused. "What exactly is it, you need me to do?"

Namjoon cocked his head. "Isn't it obvious, Taehyung?" At the puzzled shake of Taehyung's head, Namjoon heaved a tiny sigh, finally meeting the younger's eyes.

"You and Jeongguk will be going undercover into one of Songmin's lesser gangs."


Taehyung hit the floor with a small thump, mouth open as shock flooded his system, the freezing cold sensation paralyzing him as Namjoon's words soaked in.

Jimin was in his face before Taehyung could so much as blink, his light brown eyes drowning in worry and mouth stretched taunt, clearly opposed to Namjoon's idea.

The brunette was aware of harsh shouts and the unmistakeable screech of a chair as it was shoved backwards but they were muddled, hardly distinguishable. Taehyung could only focus on the fact that he was going to have to go into another gang, with only Jeongguk, forced to comply with his father's twisted morals. Taehyung hated violence with a vice, his father, on the other hand, was enthralled by it, gained energy from fighting; an adrenaline junky with a taste for blood.

Taehyung jolted as a sharp slap was landed on his wrist, a harsh sting braceleting the skin.  He shook his head as his vision cleared of the worry induced haze. Six pairs of concerned eyes stared back at him and Taehyung flushed, suddenly embarrassed as he waved away Jimin's hands, which were worriedly hovering over his cheeks.

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