{Chapter 39: Mating Season Explained}

Start from the beginning

"Soba?" He asks and I groan.

"Can we eat something healthier. Like chicken nuggets or pizza?" I ask and he just shakes his head and walks out.

"COME ON CHICKEN NUGGETS HAS PROTEIN IN IT!" I yell as I follow him to the kitchen.


"(Y/n) (M/n) Aizawa!" Iida yells as I'm eating breakfast. I know I didn't do anything this time making me very confused.

"IT WAS KAMINARI!" I yell and point at kaminari as he is eating his cereal.

"What the hell (y/n)!" Kaminari yells making me smile.

"What is the meaning of this!" He says loudly and walks over and puts a letter in front of me from True Cross Academy.

"What did you do this time! You already died and came back to life! What else can you do to make an agency send you a letter!" Iida says loudly and starts talking about proper behavior and how I should represent UA proudly.

"Relax dude. It's just Rin and it isn't an agency, it's an academy." I say and I open the letter as Iida is now yelling at Kaminari for slurping his milk to loud.

Dear (y/n) or Inferno,

You are probably wondering why I am writing to you, my name is Yukio Okumura. Rin's twin brother, I heard and saw your fight against the two villains Ozul and Argo. I am currently in a school called True cross Academy and I want you to come here so I can talk to you about your demonic form and meet some exorcists that want you dead as well as meet my students. You are able to bring your father Shota Aizawa and your Boyfriend Shoto Todoroki. Please contact me if you are able to come here.

From Yuiko Okumura.

Phone Number: ×××-×××-××××

Damn. I truly am in trouble if Yukio wants to see me, Rin says he's very serious and likes order, Like an Iida but exorcist style.

"Good morning everyone!" Kirishima says as a Bakugo is following him but looks very tired and pissed.

"Morning Kirishima. Morning bakugo." Kaminari says as he puts his bowl in the sink but I don't notice cause I'm too engrossed in the letter.

"Hey (y/n)!" Kirishima says but I still don't answer.

"What's going on with (y/n)?" Kirishima asks as Bakugo makes them breakfast.

"She got a letter from the True Cross Academy." Kaminari says, soon all the girls come in as I reread the letter trying to figure out why Yukio wants me to meet people who want me dead.

Soon everyone except Shoto has come down and tried getting my attention.

"Where's todoroki? He can get her attention. Ribbit." Tsu says and once she said that, shoto walks in and he notices me reading the letter and mumbling to myself.

"How long has she been like this?" Shoto asks.

"For about 8 minutes." Midoriya says and walks over to me and listening to me mumbling.

"But if Yukio wants me to meet these exorcists and his students. It has to be important, but I already know where I got my quirks. So why does he want to talk to me about my quirks, would Rin be there?" I mumble to myself until shoto takes the letter out of my hands making me break my train of thought.

"Hey! I was reading that!" I say loudly.

"For more than 8 minutes love, everyone has been trying to get your attention." He says making me look around and see everyone is in the room.

"Yukio sent this or Rin?" Shoto asks.

"Yukio, he wants me to go to True cross Academy and meet some exorcists that want me dead. It should be a fun vacation." I say with a smile.

"They want to kill you? Why?! You already died once!" Sero asks

"Thanks for the reminder but I have no idea why they want to kill me. It probably has to do with my demonic side. Cause they are exorcists." I say and sero nods.

"Understandable. Carry on." Kaminari says with a carry on motion with his hand and puts his feet up on the table.

"Feet off the table Kaminari!" Iida yells as Kaminari groans but takes his feet off the table.

"I swear one of these days you're going to slip up and say a cuss word." Kaminari says.

"He already did." Bakugo says making everyone gasp.

"Is that our cue to leave?" I ask shoto and all he does is nod as we slowly walk away from the yelling of Iida saying it's not true and bakugo playing the voice recording of him saying shit.

Once we get outside, he grabs my hand making me smile and look at him.

"I want you to meet my mother (y/n)." Shoto says making me look up from the rock I was kicking around.

"Really?" I ask.

"Of course, you are going to be apart of our lives for a long time." Shot says as he kisses the symbol making me smile.

"That is true, so when do you see her next?" I ask

"I was going to visit her this weekend, would you want to come?" He asks.

"I would love to meet her, does she know about me?" I ask and he nods.

"I told her all about you and she saw the fight between your parents. She was crying when I saw her the next day." He says making me tear up cause I didn't know I was that important.

"Do you think she'll like me?" I ask and he smiles.

"She's going to love you as much as I do." He says and kisses me softly.

"I love you shoto." I say and I peck his lips.

"Love you more (y/n)." He says with a smile, my parents may have gotten me killed, but I will always come back for shoto.



I really hope this chapter explaining the mating season! I really hope you like this concept as well. Anyway guys, updates might be a little longer cause I am focusing on my other books, but don't worries I won't forget about you!

Anyways.. Could you please punch that vote button in the face! I love all you guys and I will see y'all later! Bye-bye


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