11- the end

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When you opened your eyes again, you felt sore and weird. Where is that light coming from? Why do I see it from only one eye? When the blur disappeared, you took a look at your surroundings. You knew where you were. The medical wing of the Resistance base. You then remembered what happened, you saving Ben and Rey and your eye bleeding and then, black.
"Hello miss Kenobi!" Said a nurse entering your room.
"Hi" you said weakly. God your throat was sore. The nurse must have noticed because she brought you a glass of water, which you drank happily.
"How long have I been out?" You asked after finishing your glass.
"Almost three days, you scared the shit out of your friend. He refused to sleep in his quarters."
The nurse smiled.
"Is my left eye gonna be ok?"
"Yes it will, you won't be blind, though it might leave a scar." You nodded.
"Do you want me to get your friend? I think he really wants to see you." The nurse asked, you nodded again. Then, about five minutes later, a concerned Ben rushed into your room and hugged you tightly. You heard a sniffle.
"Ben, I...can't breathe..." you gasped. He pulled back. Wiping his tears.
"Sorry, I was scared to lose you too. I didn't want you to end like my parents."
"I know. Sorry if I scared you. I didn't mean to."
" I know you didn't silly. Still I care a lot about you, because... well..." here comes nothing, thought Ben, "because I love you athelleen." Your eye widened. He loves me? Omg!
"I-uh I love you too Ben. I've loved you for a while actually." Ben places his hand under your chin and brought your face to his. Your lips connected tenderly. Your hands went into his long hair. It was so amazing. Then, you two parted, looking at each other, smiling.
"So, uh, what happen, after I passed out?" You asked. Ben told you everything. You then hugged again until a cough snapped you out if your trance.
"Hope we're not interrupting?" Asked a voice at the door. There, you saw all your friends standing there, waiting to enter.
"Uh... well... not really?" Your friends laughed. They all entered the room.
"So are you guys dating now?" Asked Hux, smiling.
"I guess." You said, looking at Ben, who nodded happily.
"Finally!" Said the ex general. All the room laughed. "I had to watch them flirt for years!" You were so happy that all of this was over.

A few weeks later...
You and Ben were looking at the sunset on Tatooine. It was so peaceful. You two looked at each other smiling. You put your head on his shoulder, sighing happily.
"I'm glad it is all over."
"Yeah me too. I still can't believe that you joined the First order only to bring me back home."
"I did what was right. I wanted you to come back home, with me..." Ben smiled at you and kissed you.
"How's your eye?"
"Good, they'll remove the bandages tomorrow."
"That's great!" You nodded. You couldn't be happier.
All this story, this adventure, this saga, started here on Tatooine, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
Heyyyh thanks a lot for reading this story. Hope you liked it! If ever you have any suggestions of other stories I could write, just comment it! Thanks again 💖❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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