5- Ten years later...

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The sounds of your footsteps were echoing in the empty corridor. You were walking towards the center of the ship, poker faced. A few troopers saluted you and you responded by nodding shortly. You still couldn't realize how all of this happened. You sighed, looking outside, in space.
~flashback to a few months ago~
You jerked awake in the Jedi temple. You smelled some fire... FIRE?!!!? You got out of bed and took your cloak and your lightsaber and got out before it killed you. Outside, you saw Ben running away. What was happening? You searched around for survivors. No one... until Luke appeared with R2. When you saw him, you ran towards him. He hugged you tightly. You were confused. What happened? Luke told you everything that happened. How you got back to the Resistance base after that is blurry so you don't remember. The only thing you remember is Leia being so sad and thinking of a way to bring him back. Suddenly, you had an idea, you explained that you could pretend to be a Sith and bring Ben back to the light side. That's exactly what you did. You joined the first order a few days after Ben and started training as a Sith. Over the months, you had befriended Hux and some troopers, especially one called FN-2187.
~flashback over~
The mouvement of the ship landing on the ground snapped you out of your thoughts.
"Miss, the ship just landed, Kylo Ren wants you to follow him." Said a trooper.
"Thank you FE-4444" you responded.
When Ben joined the dark side, Snoke gave him a new name: Kylo Ren. Ben insisted that you called him that instead of his original name. He would say that Ben was weak and that he wasn't. That broke your heart. You followed your friend silently, your black cloak floating as you went down the small landing bridge. You saw Kylo kneeling down in front of a Resistance prisoner.
"So who talks first? I talk first? You talk first? Cause it's a bit difficult with the mask." Said the prisoner, it made you laugh silently. After a few more minutes of conversation, the troopers took the prisoner inside your ship. Phasma ordered the troopers to kill all the villagers. You felt so sorry for them, it made you angry to see such cruelty. You went back into the ship, trying to ignore the blasters.
~time skip to Poe's interrogation~
You waited outside the room where the prisoner was being interrogated by Kylo. You had learned earlier that he was the best pilot in the Resistance. You saw the door sliding opened and Kylo emerged from the room.
"So?" You said, "any information?"
"Yes," said Ben, "and no. The pilot has a droid, and it's the droid that has the map to Luke"
"Do you know the unit of the droid?"
"Yes a BB unit orange and white."
"Is he still on Jakuu?"
"Yes, I sent some troopers to look for him"
You nodded. It was so awkward. You felt sad, you've never felt this uncomfortable around Ben.
"Do you mind if I... also interrogate the prisoner?" You ask, a bit nervous.
"Yes," responded Kylo, "but I doubt you find anything else."
You nodded and opened the door where Poe was held. When you entered the room, the pilot looked at you desperately. You smiled softly. His face turned into a frown at your smile. You made sure that no one could hear you and approached the prisoner.
"Poe Dameron, Resistance pilot, I heard a lot about you"
"Why are you so kind?"
" I have to tell you something. I'm not really from the first order. I'm on a mission. Don't worry. We'll find a way to get you out of here."
Poe's eyes widened. He smirked.
You got out of the room. You had to find a way to get Poe out of here.
~time skip~
You heard footsteps in an empty corridor. You looked and found Poe with the trooper FN-2187. You approached.
"FN-2187! What are you doing here with the prisoner?" You asked in a serious voice. Both him and Poe jumped
"Uh... ummm... well I..."
You smiled.
"If you want to help him escape, don't go there it's full of troopers."
FN-2187 looked at Poe who smirked.
"Don't worry, she's with the Resistance"
"Come on, hurry" you said.
The two of them hurried to the hangar. A few minutes later you heard some blasters and explosions coming from the hangar. That made you smile.
~another time skip I'm sorry~
You heard that the droid you were searching escaped. Good, you thought, it's better that way. You entered the room where Snoke asked you and Kylo to come. You also noticed that Hux was here. While your "master" was speaking to hux, you felt how tense and afraid he was. You didn't really listen to what the Supreme Leader said until...
"The droid we seek is aboard the Millennium Falcon, in the hands of your father Han Solo."
"He means nothing to me," replied Kylo.
"Even you master of the knights of Ren, have never faced such a test."
Said Snoke. Kylo replied that he wouldn't be seduced by that.
"We shall see," said Snoke, "we shall see." His hologram then disappeared, leaving the room empty. You sighed softly and left the room without saying anything. As you were about to turn the corner to go to your quarters, you heard the soft voice distorted by a mask.
"Athelleen" you turned around and saw Ben.
"Yes? What's up?" You asked.
"You seemed a bit... troubled earlier... are you alright?" Kylo was showing concern? Wow, it was the first time he asked you such a thing in months! Maybe he wasn't that lost after all.
"Yes, don't worry... I'm fine"
And without saying more, you two separated. You walked into the corridors towards your chambers. When the door closed, you sighed. You were finally alone, or so you thought.
"What's wrong Athelleen?" Asked a voice you knew too well.
You turned to face the person.
"It's been too long."
HAHAHA cliffhanger I'm sorry I wanted to put one!!!!
So I don't know if I specified this but I will write my story following the three last movies. I will also write an ending different than the one in TROS (the rise of Skywalker) because it made me cry too much and I want a happy ending. So yeah. Byeee

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