7-The last jedi

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Hey guys. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. It's just that I have online classes and yeah, I'm busy with them. Also, if I'm not doing work I'm either going outside or spending time with my family. I'll try to update more. And soon, I'll be able to make the The Rise of Skywalker chapter since the movie gets out soon on Disney +... oh btw. I'm using two of my friend's characters in that chapter. worldzqueen Laurie and Michael.
(On the Resistance planet base)
"General Organa, we have a problem," said an officer, looking a bit like Luke.
"Laurie, I told you not to address me like that." Said leia, softly.
"I know auntie, I'm sorry."
"It's fine. So what's the problem?"
The young lady explained that the First order were able to find them and they needed to evacuate.
"I see," said leia, "tell your brother to order the preparation of the ships, we are evacuating."
"Will do auntie. By the way, do you... have any news from Rey? Cause... I'm really worried about my parents." Laurie said, looking very worried. Leia sighed.
"Not yet, but don't worry, they will be fine." Laurie nodded then turned to her brother and yelled.

(Back to the first order cruiser)
You were on the main  bridge of the ship with Hux. The Resistance was trying to escape. You knew they wouldn't be able to get the First Order off their backs and that worried you. Suddenly, a X-Wing came in front of your ship. You recognized from the voice that it was Poe!
"This is Poe Dameron of the Resistance fleet, I have an urgent communiqué with General Hugs!" He said. The nickname made you laugh silently. You knew what Poe was trying to do. He was toying with Hux to distract him. Unfortunately, that didn't work and soon, a new battle began. You were scared because of the bombers that were approaching to destroy your fleet. Fortunately for you, your ship hadn't been destroyed. Hux then received a transmission from Snoke. The Sith Lord dragged Hux on the floor of the ship in front of the whole crew, poor Hux, you thought, Snoke treats him like shit.
After Snoke ended the conversation with Hux, he motioned you to come with him.
"What's up hugs?" You said smiling a bit.
"Oh please cut it out, it's so humiliating." He said angrily.
"Sorry, I know it is, Snoke treats you like shit, I don't even know why you're with him!" You retorted.
"Why are you with him?" Hux asked suspiciously.
"That's none of your business Hux," you said, snapping, "anyways, why did you ask me to follow you?"
"I want you to help me talk to the Supreme Leader about the Resistance. I want you to be here because I find you quite... calming, if I might say so"
Calming? You thought, my my, Snoke must have hit Hux really hard on the head for him to say things like that...
"Athelleen?" Hux said, snapping you out if your thoughts
"Y-yes?" You said.
"Will you, accompany me?"
"Oh yeah of course, you can count on me!" You said, smiling softly.
~~~ Lets travel to the island where Rey, Luke and Allison are~~~
Luke took the lightsaber Rey handed him and looked at it, Allison glanced at her husband full of hopes. Luke just threw it away like it was nothing and left. Confused, Rey looked at Allison, who looked at Rey in disbelief.
"I am very sorry child, I guess he really doesn't want to have anything to do woth the Jedi anymore."
Rey decided that she was going to follow the Jedi anyways. Allison went after the her. She tried to open the door where Luke was, but he didn't want to open it. Suddenly, Rey went to get something on her ship. Allison was very confused until she heard a language she hadn't heard in a while.
"Chewieee!" She exclaimed hugging the Wookie tightly, "where's my brother Han?"
Rey looked at the lady. The Jedi knew instantly and sobbed softly. Her own brother, dead...
"C'mon chewie, let's see if you can convince him to get out" Allison said, smiling a bit.
(Back to Snoke's meeting with Hux)
You stood straight beside Hux, he had just finished telling Snoke how they would have the Resistance destroyed soon. Suddenly, Ben entered the room. You payed little attention to what snoke told Hux. The general looked at you with a sort of thanking look, then left. You stayed, wanting to be with your friend. Sadly you had to hear all of the hurting things snoke said to Kylo. He was so going to be pissed about that. He tried to get up but snoke beat him up. Snoke dismissed both of you and you went into the elevator.
"Hey, you alright?" You asked, seeing that your friend was breathing hard. The only response you got was him slamming his mask in the wall of the elevator. When the doors opened, Kylo yelled at the officers for his ship to be prepared while you followed him silently.
(Back to Rey)
She has been following Luke all day, Allison did her usual things until she saw Rey going in the opposite direction of Luke. The Jedi tree, thought the female Jedi. She followed the girl silently, noticing that Luke was also intrigued in her. Allison smiler when she saw Rey admiring the inside of the tree.
"Who are you?" Asked Luke to Rey.
Rey told him she knew the place but only in dreams. Luke told her about the texts and the Jedi religion.
"Who are you?" He asked again
"The resistance sent me." She responded.
"They sent you, what's special about you?" Luke continued, "where are you from?"
"Nowhere" Rey said quietly.
"No ones from nowhere" Luke said.
"Jakku" Rey said.
"All right that is pretty much nowhere." Said Luke, making Allison smirk. He then asked her why she was here. She hesitated before answering that something was awake inside her and she was afraid and wanted help. Luke told her he didn't want to teach her. Allison got a bit mad, she would talk to her husband.
(Back to you)
You were on the bridge of the ship with hux. Kylo has left in his ship. The resistance cruiser was about to run out of fuel and it would be the end of the Resistance. At this point, you couldn't do anything. You were devastated. You felt for a slight moment that Leia wasn't here anymore. It scared you. Until, you felt a movement in the force and saw you adoptive mother move with the force. You smiled slightly.
(Back to Rey)
"Luke what are you..."
"Shhhhh" said Luke, "I don't want to alert chewie."
"Alright alright."
The couple entered the Falcon. Allison has so many memories in this ship. Both of them saw the dice hanged. Luke took them with him. Both of them saw R2!
"R2 old friend!" They said happily.
R2 tried to convince Luke to teach Rey and help the resistance. He refused.
"Luke, if you don't want to teach this poor girl the ways of the force, then I'll do it!" Said Allison a bit angry.
R2 then showed him the footage of Leia many many years ago. Allison smiled. Luke finally agreed to teach her.
(Back to you)
Almost all of the Resistance ships were destroyed. You grew more and more worried. The Resistance couldn't end like this.
~ time skip to when Rey is on your ship~
You saw her, Rey, coming out of an escape pod. She recognized you. The troopers took her and you followed them. You knew where she was going.
"Don't worry troopers, I got her." You said.
"But miss." Said one trooper.
"I said: I. Got. Her. You wouldn't dare going against my orders wouldn't you trooper?"
"N-No miss, sorry miss."
You glared at him and took Rey with you. When the troopers were out of sight you dragged her in an empty corridor.
"Hello there Rey." You said smiling.
"Hi," she said, smiling, "why did you drag me here?" She asked, frowning.
"Because I know where you're going and I wanted to tell you that you have to stay on guard at all time!" You said.
She nodded and you led her to the elevator where Ben was waiting.
In the elevator, Rey told Ben what she saw.
So she is also trying to bring him back to the light side?
You stayed silent. You knew she was right. She could be the help you needed to bring your friend back home.
Suddenly, the elevator stopped and you knew what was going to happen. You bowed down next to Kylo. Snoke talked to Rey about Kylo and Luke and he brought Rey closer to him.
"You underestimate Skywalker, and Ben Solo, and also athelleen. And me!" Rey said angrily.
Me? You thought oh no, that could reveal my cover. Oh well. Whatever.
~time skip to when Kylo has to kill Rey~
Kylo was in front of Rey. Snoke told him to kill her. You panicked.
"Ben" you and Rey whispered.
Snoke closed his eyes.
"Yes, I see him turn the lightsaber to stroke through and now, foolish child, he ignites it and kills his true enemy" you closed your eyes waiting for the killing to be done. You heard the sound of a lightsaber igniting and opened your eyes to find Snoke chopped in half. You smiled. Ben did the right choice. The Supreme Leader's guards prepared to attack. Ben looked at you and you smiled. You three then attacked the guards without mercy. You were caught by one of them who was about to chop your head off but then, Ben killed him and saved you.
"Thanks" you said smiling.
"No problem" he answered, smiling genuinely. Wow, you thought, it's the first time in years that I've seen him smile like this. This warmed your heart. But you couldn't stay inside your head for too long because guards came towards you to attack you. The place was burning down. Ashes and smoke everywhere, but that didn't bother you. You noticed that Ben was in trouble so you quickly killed the guard you were fighting and jumped to chop the other's head, releasing Kylo. The battle was over. Rey asked Ben to order the stop of the firing. Ben was proposing Rey to rule the galaxy with him. She didn't want to. You stayed behind, silent.
~time skip to on the planet~
Ren was now Supreme Leader. He was determined to kill the Resistance. You saw a small group of wrecked ships coming towards the Imperial Walkers. Ren ordered to the fighters to kill them. A bit later, you felt a presence, something you hadn't felt in years. Luke! Allison! You thought. They're back! They will help the Resistance! You saw the couple going out in front of the First Order. You knew what was happening. Luke was going to fight your friend. Ben ordered the Walkers to stop.
"I want... every gun with have to fire on these two!" He said looking pissed. Hux was surprised at this. You just stayed back and smirked, knowing that it was useless.
"Do it," ordered Ren. The canons fires all of them.
"That's enough," said Hux softly, "THATS ENOUGH!" He yelled seeing that nothing was happening. The canons stopped.
"Think you got them?" Asked Hux sarcastically. Ren breathed shakily. You saw the smoke disappear from where luke and Allison were. They were still here, intact. Luke brushed off a bit of dust on his cloak. You smiled. Ren asked to get down. He joined Luke and Allison on the ground. Ready to fight. You're watched from up there. Kylo didn't have a chance. The two men started fighting. Inside the Resistance base, Laurie and Michael were watching their parents facing Kylo. They were happy to see them, but they knew what was happening too. Even though they weren't certified Jedi, they still felt the force. They followed Poe out of the base. Meanwhile, Luke was fighting Ben. The young Supreme Leader attempted to stab him, but nothing happened. Luke wasn't here physically, neither was Allison. The Force helped them.
On the island, Luke and his wife were sat on the rock. Meditating. They both opened their eyes and smiled. They looked at the sunset and hugged each other. Then, they disappeared.
You felt it, it saddened you. But you knew that they weren't really gone. Your master, her husband, they would live in you forever, you felt peace.
You got out the Walker and followed Ren through the abandoned base. Kylo looked at his father's dice. They then disappeared. The Resistance was long gone. You smiled, relived. They still had a chance...

Omg 2000 words wow. Hum yeah sorry for the waiting. Don't forget to vote and comment!!!

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