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The Black Hood's Letters to one Enoch Yearling

October, 18th

Hello, Young Yearling. 

Or should I say...Peabody.

That's right. I know. And I know other things too. About your past. Your present. And I hold your future in the palm of my hand. Take this as your greeting card. Your invitation to the game. My game. 

You're a bright young boy Enoch. I know you'll do the right thing. So keep your mouth shut and those little friends of yours will keep their lives.

Till then, Black Hood

October, 31st

You're a very interesting subject Enoch. I've watched you for the past week or so and may I just say you're one of a kind. With all your sins I'm getting excited. Millions of ideas are floating around my head, buzzing like bees. It's extraordinary.

Let's talk about your family, shall we?

Your aunt: Penny Peabody. Your absent father. Your murdered mother. That's right. I know. 

It was an accident, wasn't it? As they tend to be. You didn't mean too, she fell herself, the stairs were too sharp. Eh, it's all the same. But deep down, you wanted too, didn't you? People always do.

Anyways, onto what matters. I have my first task for you. Are you as excited as I am?

I know about your jobs. The ones Penny makes you do. At your next 'appointment' with Mr. Herald, kill him. There. That's what I've decided for you to do. I hope you're ready.

You're a bright young boy Enoch. I know you'll do the right thing. So keep your mouth shut.

Sincerely, The Black Hood

November, 18th

You've done it! I don't say this to many people but I am proud of you, Enoch.

Mr. Herald dead. Such nice words. But not a nice man. He hurt his family, did you know? There's always a reason, E. Always a push or shove. There's no consciences with me, I'm never that lazy.

Of course, it must have been easy. Prostitutes do happen to get overlooked, don't they? Penny makes you do all of this. I should be punishing her but not yet. She'll be punished eventually. But're too good to loose.

This next task is fairly simple. Make sure your evidence is covered and deliver a package from the corner of Maple to The Coopers. Don't look inside. You don't want to know, trust me.

You have practice from the other errands Penny makes you do so I trust you'll be able to do this.

Good luck, Black Hood

November, 30th

Thank you for doing that for me. The Coopers is just so ugh. It was way to far out of my way and I have to lay low so you know, it was just easier if you did it.

My next task is again, a simple one. That boy you talk too, that Poet one. He's cute. But he doesn't like you, does he? Shame. 

Don't talk to him anymore. In all honestly I'm helping you if anything. A broken heart is a lazy one.

Sincerely, Black Hood

December, 7th

I'm proud of how far you've come, Enoch. You've become the perfect little puppet. I've noticed how close you are with those friends of yours. 

But to be like me you have to be by yourself. Friends, Family. Distractions. Don't talk to any of them, okay? It's best if you don't.

And remember, don't tell anyone. You wouldn't want those friends of yours to get hurt, would you?

Thanks, Black Hood

December 14th

I'm ashamed Enoch. You didn't do it. It was a simple task. But you told. Penny of all people. And loose lips are going to get you killed, I'm afraid. 

Watch you're back. 

-Black Hood

December 21st


-Black Hood

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Oookayyyy so, I'm really sorry. Like two-three more chapters until it gets better. I'm going to try and throw as much fluff in there as I can, though.

I love you alllll

And double update? What?

Also, I really want to write a Katsuki Bakugo fan fiction from My Hero Academia cause I love that show and he's my favorite boy. So would any of you read it if I did? Thanks:) 

Anyways, vote, comment, follow. Love you guys!

(Who's your favorite character from Fluorescent Adolescent?)

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