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Poet sat at the counter at Pop's swinging his feet back and forth. He watched Jughead and Betty out of the corner of his eye, frowning at the longing looks Betty gave Jughead.

Poet groaned and dropped his head on the counter. Pops chuckled, setting down the boy's orange juice next to him.

"You alright there, son?"

Poet nodded against the table, giving him a lame thumbs up. Pops laughed again and walked away, leaving the boy at the counter by himself.

Poet turned his head to the side and growled at Jughead and Betty's connected hands. 

He didn't support the idea of them being here together. Betty had called Jughead this morning and somehow managed to talk Jughead into meeting her at Pop's. Poet had frowned when Jughead told him but didn't say anything. It was obvious Jug still had a soft spot for the blonde.

Jughead had invited him to come with them but Betty said she wasn't comfortable talking about things around other people. Bullshit. She just didn't want to be around Poet.

Spinning around on his chair, Poet caught Jughead bringing his phone to his ear, a small smile on his face. His eyes met Poets. He grinned.


The Whyte Wyrm erupted in cheers as Jughead broke the news of F.P.'s release. Poet bounced his leg up and down while braiding Toni's hair. She smiled softly at him. He smiled back but it quickly left his face, his hands burrowing deeper into her hair for comfort. Toni noticed and turned her to the side to face him. "Hey Po? You okay?"

Poet gave a tight lipped smile and nodded, not meeting Toni's eyes. He focused on the ground, his fingers twitching in Toni's hair. 

On the table beside him Tall Boy slammed his drink down, Poet jumping slightly, his grip tightening. 

Tall Boy stood, walking to face Jughead head on. "That's brilliant."

Jughead rolled his eyes. "Do you have a problem with that, Tall Boy?"

The older Serpent gave a fake laugh. "Your old man? No. I got no problem with him." He leaned forwards, resting his hands on the pool table. "But if you want us to sit down with the mayor."

Jughead nodded and shrugged. His eyes squinted at the old man. "I do. He's right." He stepped back to face his Serpents. "I think we can bring the the Southside back. But it's going to take work and compromise." 

Poet laid his arms over Toni, resting his chin on her shoulder. He smiled, watching Jughead. 

Tall Boy laughed. "Bring the Southside back. You've been here all of five minutes."

"Tall Boy, I am sick of you acting like a little bitch!"

Poet let out a quiet "oooh, them's fightin' words", Toni laughing at his comment.

Jughead's anger grew, "Whispering behind my back that I'm half a Serpent or that I don't belong here!"

At Jughead's words Poet tuned out. 

'Half a Serpent.' 

'Don't belong here.' 

The Black Hood's letter flashed across his mind. His chest tightened at the thought of the psycho. The phrases weren't new. When he first joined they were common comments he heard daily from people, Tall Boy being one of them. His hands tightened around Toni who noticed but said nothing. 

Fluorescent Adolescent~Jughead JonesWhere stories live. Discover now