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His eyes scanned the cafeteria. He watched the swarm of teenagers divide into their little groups. Following the leaders. They were like sheep in that way. Pathetic. 

He leaned backwards in his seat, resting his arms behind his head to create a pillow against the wall and kicked his feet up on the table. He felt the eyes on him. There had always been people watching him and there always would be. At Southside High it was normal. 

The subjects watch the king.

"He's here." His eyes flickered over to Kusho. She still had her head buried in her book. War and Peace or something. He didn't read. 

Kusho was right. He spotted the familiar crown beanie he had seen in so many pictures.

Jughead Jones walked with Toni Topaz, looking disinterested in what she was saying. Jughead hid it well but he could tell. 

He watched Toni talk to Jughead before he touched her arm in a friendly gesture and walked away to an empty table in the corner. Jughead threw his bag on the table and sighed deeply, resting his head in his arms.

"Don't go over there." Kusho looked at the boy in front of her. "You know what FP said." 

He groaned and yanked his feet of the table, slamming them on the ground. "But you said I need to make more friends. Fuck what FP says, I'm lonely... and bored." 

"Fine, your funeral."

He grinned widely and got up. Eyes followed him as he walked. He straightened his back and held his head high, his usual smirk plastered on his face. He grabbed an shinny green apple off of a ghoulies tray, winking at them. 

Biting in his apple he sat down on the metal bench, making Jughead's head fly up. Jug raised an eyebrow at the boy's appearance. He wore a Serpent jacket but the collar was studded like a ghoulies. His black curly hair stuck to his forehead. The smirk on his face sent chills up Jughead's spine. He was without a doubt attractive. That was clear to anyone.

"You're Jughead Jones, right?" Jughead nodded. He took another bite of his apple. "FP's boy?"

Jughead breathed deeply and nodded again. "I'm sorry, but who exactly are you?" 

He laughed, it ringing throughout the cafeteria. The sound made people look at them, either out of fear or interest. He stopped as he looked at Jughead's expression. 

"Oh. You're serious." He looked almost offended. "Toni, didn't tell you 'bout me?" Jughead shook his head.

He threw his apple over his shoulder, not caring if it hit anybody. "Poet Price, nice to meet 'cha." Poet held out his hand and Jughead reluctantly shook it. "Jughead Jones."

Poet nodded, a slow smile spreading across his face. "Well?"

"Well, what?"

"Aren't you wondering why people are lookin' at us? Why Toni didn't tell you about me? Aren't ya curious, Juggie? Cause' according to the paper you're a little detective. You and you're little friends." 



He did want to know why everyone's eyes followed Poet. Why Toni failed to mention him when he was obviously important. But, against his better judgment, Jughead decided not to.

"Now, if you don't mind I'd like to sit and brood by myself." Jughead made his point by looking back down at his book, waiting for Poet to leave. 

Poet took his hands off the table and slowly got up. 

"Fine. Fine. I'll leave Juggie. But-" Poet bent down, his lips grazing the shell of Jughead's ear, "-if you ever want to find out anything. You're always welcome at my table." Jughead couldn't help but shutter at the hot breath against his skin. It felt...good. 

 Poet gave a small wave goodbye, wriggling his fingers and walked away. Jughead watched him walk to a table against the wall where you could see everything. Poet winked at him and turned to the other person sitting at the table.

He made a mental note to ask Toni about him later. 

"Poet Price, who are you?"


"I'm think I'm gonna earn my stripes tonight."

Poet looked at Lars, blowing out a long breath of smoke. Poet rested his back against the cement stair. "Really?" The fifteen year old nodded and rocked back and forth, he was nervous. 

"Y-yeah. Malachi says he's got a guy for me and Rocky. We're gonna get him after school." Poet gave Lars a small, genuine smile. "That's great, Lar. You know who?" Lars shook his head and went back to looking at the ground. He took a long drag from his cigarette and gripped the stair tighter.

Poet watched two familiar figures approach them. 

Enoch and Kusho.

 Kusho climbed next to Poet, grabbing his cigarette and taking a drag while Enoch climbed onto Poet's lap, opening up his book. Poet smiled at the boy, ruffling his hair. 

"Lars says he's gonna earn his stripes tonight."

Kusho and Enoch perked up and looked at the youngest boy. Lars shrunk under their gaze, looking at his feet. 


"Go for the eyes and or groin." 

Poet smirked at Kusho's words, grabbing his cigarette back.

"Whatcha reading, Eney?" Poet rested his chin on Enoch's shoulder and looked at the pages. Enoch showed him the title and moved more into Poet, getting comfortable. 

The four friends sat in silence enjoying the peace, each with nothing different one their mind.

Lars was thinking about how he wasn't going be able to beat up a boy almost twice his size. 

Kusho was thinking about how she'd rather be anywhere else in the world than Riverdale.

Enoch let the words of his book paint a picture in his mind, escaping into a whole new world.

And Poet...well, he just couldn't stop thinking about Jughead Jones.

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