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Poet knocked on the door of the familiar trailer, rocking back and forth and his heels. He was nervous. He was nervous for Jughead's initiation into the Serpents. He was nervous to have to relive some of those memories he had buried deep down. And he was nervous for seeing Jughead in general, but he would never turn down a chance to see Jughead. 

Jughead opened the screen door, gesturing for Poet to enter. "Ah, such a gentleman my Juggie is," Poet smiled and pinched his cheek as an old lady would do. Jughead's nose scrunched at the action and closed the door. 

Poet loved Jughead's trailer. He had been in it a few times, mainly only to see F.P. and once with his mother when he was very little but that visit was more of a blur. He hadn't been back here in years, not counting the study session about the black hood. He had always loved this trailer though, despite its location and faint mildewy smell. It was small and cozy, just the right size for two people. A quick image of him and Jughead living together in the trailer, cuddled on the couch flashed through his head, Poet quickly pushed it away.

He turned to face Jughead, "So where do you want to do it, Captain?"

Jughead gestured with his hand down the hall. "I was thinking the bedroom if it's okay. It's the warmest place in here." 

Poet had noticed the slight chill in the trailer but said nothing. He willing to put up with freezing temperatures if it meant spending time with Jug.

Poet gasped dramatically, "But we've only just met! At least take me to dinner first." Jughead chuckled, Poet joining him with a soft laugh.

The two walked down the hall, Poet observing the pictures as Jughead led the way. Few pictures hung on the walls. There was a few of Jughead and a girl who he assumed was Jughead's sister when they were little along with one of F.P. and his Serpent brothers. The pictures were cracked and faded but showed love nonetheless.

Jughead's bedroom was just what Poet had imagined. It was basic but more classic with a few movie posters on the walls. The room was small but warm and smelled like Jughead. It was cute.

Jug fell backwards onto the bed, Poet following. The two laid there, not saying anything for a few minutes. Poet turned his head, just barely catching Jughead who was already looking at him. Poet inwardly smiled and moved slightly closer to Jughead. "Are you nervous?"

Jughead shrugged but Poet could tell he was. Poet turned on his side, propping his head up with his hand. "It's totally cool if you are. I know I was when I got in. It's normal. But you've already gotten Hotdog and with his smell he's the worst part." Jughead smiled but it quickly faded. His eyes focused on the ceiling, his eyebrows furrowed in thought.

"What was your's like, Po?"

Poet bit his lip, his chest tightening. The memories of the Serpent's Initiation weren't particularly what he was scared of, it was the memories of the Ghoulie's which came with  it.

" was fine, I guess. I try not to think about it that much."

Jughead moved to face Poet, copying his stance. "Why? What happened? Was it really that bad?"

Poet inhaled deeply, his free hand playing with the sheet. He avoided Jughead's eyes, focusing on his fingers. "I mean...It's not the serpent part that causes the memories, it's the ghoulies. Their's was a little more...intense, I guess. And I mean at thirteen-"

"Thirteen!" Jughead cut in. "Sorry, sorry. But you did it at thirteen! Jesus, Po, I'm sorry 'bout that."

Poet waved him off, "No, it's fine. It was my choice, I wanted to honor my parents and that's the youngest both sides let you do it. No one ever does though, I'm the only one who officially did it at that age." Poet pulled at the sheets between his fingers, emotions running through his body, his chest getting tighter and tighter. 

Fluorescent Adolescent~Jughead JonesWhere stories live. Discover now