Chapter 1

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Jesse De Rose was beautiful. Stunning. Desirable.

Throughout the years that I've known her, from the moment she was just a tiny baby to now, I've noticed everything about her.

The subtle pout on her plump, pink lips-the same lips that I so ached to kiss-that appeared when she was concentrating, how she listened to About a Girl by Nirvana on repeat through her tangled earbuds when she was studying at my house, and how she would consistently pop her knuckles when she was nervous.

Everything about her was perfect.

She was perfect.

The idea of her was perfect.

The saying goes, "nobody is perfect." But who were they to tell me what the definition of perfect is? My definition was interpreted as the girl who ran her finger across her lips when they were dry, painted her nails in pure white only and had a bad habit of eating snacks throughout the day rather than actual meals.

I thought of her as just a child before. The innocent, blue-eyed girl with French braid pigtails that she would constantly tug at when her mother made them too tight. As time ticked by and each year sped by fast, Jesse grew into something more magnificent. Only someone stupid would think that she wasn't beautiful.

Her slight baby face was still there, giving her that innocent, alluring look. Her jet black hair had grown out far past her shoulders and settled into waves when she wanted to keep her hair natural. She had grown taller from a toddler that was three-feet tall to an average height and her body transformed into a woman's.

Her shoulders were slender and delicate, collarbones prominent with a set of toned legs, waist that curved in where my hand would mold impeccably against.

I often fantasized about her in more ways than one. Most of the time it was her on her sitting prettily on her knees for me while she gazed up at my face through her dark lashes with sweet eyes. That, or my body hovering over hers, hands around her throat as I pounded into her pussy mercilessly. The sound of my name being screamed coming out of her plump lips.

I noticed her body bruised easily. She would bang her thigh against the corner of a table and saunter around in mini skirts the next day with a dark purple spot in the exact same area.

God, I loved seeing her body scattered with bruises. She looked so dainty.

It was a dream of mine to be the one in charge of leaving those sins on her skin.

Hickies were for little boys that knew nothing about a woman. Bruises left real marks that could possibly last forever. But that's what I wanted. I wanted her to be marked by me forever.

It seemed other men fantasized about her too. I could see it in the way that their lustful eyes would follow her every move. I wanted to snap their necks.

They had no right.

I knew it was wrong to think of her in such ways considering that the age gap was something that would be frowned upon by many. She was living youthfully at the fresh age of eighteen where as I was thirty-five. But I didn't care. I needed to have Jesse De Rose as mine and only mine.

Albeit our age gap, I knew her father nor mother would approve. I had known Jesse's father, Marcos, since we were stupid, impressionable teens and when he had mistakenly got a girl pregnant at seventeen. I was there even when the newly born baby girl was brought into this world-my sweet, beautiful Jesse.

If he knew that I was lusting after his only daughter, he would never talk to be again. That meant never seeing Jesse again.

A frown came on my fave at the thought.

I often found myself a bit jealous of Marcos.

Unfortunately for me, Jesse had a boyfriend. One that she's been dating since the start of her freshman year. And I hated him.

Despised him with every bone in my body.

He could burn to bits and pieces in an agonizing fire fire, his body charred, and I would feel no sympathy. He was in the way of my plan to get my Jesse. The route that I was planning for three years. But, then again, if he did-in some mysterious way-die, Jesse would most likely be devastated. If anything, I hated to see her in pain.

Although, maybe I could be the one to comfort her and she would grow an attraction for me.

That is, if she didn't have one for me already.

Obsession (18+)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang