Fighting like Lions

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"They're always fighting." Clint rubbed his temples. "Remind me again how they're supposed to be 'dating'?" He sat up high on his usual perch watching his friends from afar. Natasha spoke to him on a private line through a Bluetooth. She was down in the lobby sipping on a piña colada.
"They definitely need counseling." She agreed, "When Steve admitted to it he seemed like he'd be such the sweet guy."
"Yeah he probably is," Clint caught the sight of Bruce walking in, pencil behind his ear. That dorky purple shirt and kaki pants, "But it's Tony. He pretty much brings out the worst in everyone. Also, Big Green entered the building."
Natasha was going to argue on Stark's behalf having spent time with him before, but Bruce entered the room.

"Oh" he said softly, "Hi Nat." He looked tired. Not sleep wise but he was feeling it too. Tired of the constant bickering.
She gave him a warm welcoming smile, "Hi Bruce."
He smiled and pointed to her drink, "Is there any more of those?"
She nodded, "The mini bar. Tony was just there mixing drinks a few seconds ago."
"Is Steve with him?" His smile evened our again.
"No he went to the training room." She stood up from her chair and stood next to him lightly brushing her arm against his, "I'll go with you. I need a refill."
"Sure." He nodded and began to take the lead to the elevator.

"Should I let you go?"Clint asked his smile clear in his tone. He was answered by the disconnecting beeps of the call.

"How've you been Bruce?" Natasha asked after clicking the button of her ear piece.
"Hanging in." He nodded, "It's nice being back in New York again. Coming home. But... I dunno there feels like something else is missing." He slid his hands into his pockets and leaned back in his heals.
"Like what?" She asked looking up a him and sipped the last bit of her drink.
He gave a sloppy shrug, "I haven't figured it out yet. Kinda keeps me up at night."
"Well, we can always hang out if you can't sleep. I'm awake a lot too."
"Not at three in the morning." He shook his head, "you certainly don't look it."
She smiled, "Well thank you."
"Oh you're welcome." He smiled back and the doors opened.

They both peaked into the room. It was quiet. The bar empty. Tony was gone.
"Hey Tone?" Bruce called stepping out from the elevator and looked around.
Natasha followed and began picking up signs of the room. It's what she does best. The bar was cleaned, everything had been washed and put away. Tony had gotten really good at cleaning up after himself once Pepper was no longer in the picture. It took her some getting used to.
"Guess he's not here." Bruce checked behind the counter.
"Nope." She agreed, "but I know how to make a drink or two." She stepped behind the counter and leaned over its top starring up at Bruce and asked teasingly, "What'll it be, stranger?"
Bruce couldn't fight the smile rushing to his face, "Well that depends on your specialty, ma'am."
"You know you shouldn't be drinking." She brought out a few cups.
"Well that's no way to keep business." He tried climbing up on the bar stools.
"You look like a nice mister," she batted her eyes, "I wouldn't want you drinking yourself into any trouble."
"Just one wouldn't hurt. Make it weak, like me." He chuckled to himself at his angsty humor.
"Oh then I'm afraid it'll still be too strong." She said simply and began pouring ice into a blender and the drink mix leaving the alcohol out entirely. "A Virgin for you sir."
"That's understandable." He gave a shrug and rest his elbows on the counter top watching her as she made up their drinks.

Thor arrived on the landing pad a few minutes later walking in to the lounge where Natasha and Bruce had been drinking and talking.
"Ah, Bruce! Natasha!" He greeted holding out his arms and scooped Bruce up into a tight squeeze hearing one of his shoulders pop- but not in a bad way.
"Hurk!-" Bruce let out a choked breath patting Thor's huge arms, "Hi- Thor-" he gasped once he was let go. He heard a low chuckle from the god as he went on to greet Natasha. Placing a kiss on her hand and then a hug just as tight making her let out a labored "Oh-!"
"Where is the rest of our Avengers?" He asked looking around the place, "I know I've been busy but I had some time to tell you about Loki's imprisonment. He is in fact in prison. And is being dealt with accordingly."
"That's great." Bruce rolled his shoulder that had made the popping noise unaware he had needed it put back in its place.
"Clint is in the perch. Steve and Tony are" Natasha paused. Thor didn't know they had become more than Co-workers. Not that he would probably mind. "If my thoughts are correct they should be in the training room together."
"Tony, not in his workshop?" Bruce gasped.
"No. Steve seemed upset about something and went off to blow some steam in the training room. So I think that's where Tony is."
"Ah, nothing like a duel between friend to let out some rage and aggression." Thor nodded finding the idea smart.
"Wanna go a few rounds?" Bruce smirked behind his almost finished glass.
"Hehe maybe some other time, where there's a big enough area." Thor brought a heavy hand down on Bruce's shoulder patting it and left to the elevator and stopped turning around with a puzzled expression etching his brow, "Who is 'Clint'?"
"Agent Barton." Natasha turned back to him.
"Hawkeye." Bruce chimed after.
"Ah yes!" Thor pointed a finger, "The man with the arrows! Oh you would not believe the laugh we had, when I told my friends about the Chitari invasion and how he had arrows."
Natasha pressed her lips into a smile. What is it with this team insulting each other out of 'love'?
Bruce raised a brow, "I mean, don't you all fight with like, spears and swords? You have a hammer. That's not even much of a weapon."
"You're a funny one Doctor!" Thor let out a laugh shaking his head while entering the elevator and the doors closed.

The sound of yelling echoed in the large training room. Thor had stepped through with Clint and they both could have sworn there were to angry dogs in a fight somewhere.
"They're like this often." Clint said to Thor as they walked across the floor spotting the two yelling.

"NO I WASN'T!!" His voice growled, "ITS CALLED BEING NICE!"
"I DON'T!!" Tony waves his arms as he spoke, "WHAT DID YOU WANT ME TO SAY STEVE?! 'MOVE BITCH GET OUT MY WAY!'"

Clint and Thor ping ponged their gaze as if their words were physically being thrown back and forth.
"Perhaps we should..come back another time." Thor mused.
"Or grab some popcorn." Clint continued watching seeing Steve step up closer to Tony keeping his chest out and arms stiff. Like a cat fluffing itself up to look bigger than its attacker. But, he already was. All he needed was one swing, he'd have Tony knocked out on the ground, without his suit anyway. Steve's fists were clenched and his jaw tight. Everything about his stance told Barton he was ready to swing.

But Tony let out a sigh and finally dropped his volume, "We were just talking. It was for work. Press coverage is good for me and the Avengers. We need to stay positive in the public's eyes. I might not like them Steve but I'm not going to be an asshole to them."
"WELL" Steve still kept his voice high, "IT NEVER STOPPED YOU BEFORE!"
"Oh. My. God." Tony's hands grabbed fist fulls of his brown spiky hair and yanked back on them, "Okay! Fine, I'm sorry! Is that what you want?!"
Steve crosses his arms and looked away, only to discover a confused Thor and Hawkeye watching them.
He looked back at Tony before bowing his head and turning away taking up his gym bag, "Talk to me when you're ready to stop being selfish." He nodded to Thor and Clint as he left the room.

It was still and silent in the room and Tony turned back to see him leave only finding Clint and Thor looking at him.
"Thor!" He put on a smile and sauntered over, "When did you get in?"
"About ten minutes ago. Are you alright?" Thor looked back to the door Steve had left out of and back to Tony.
"Absolutely." Tony answered the smile still on his face, "What's up?"
"The ceiling." Thor answered checking to be sure the ceiling was intact. "Oh, you mean what is my purpose of being here!" He quickly corrected himself, "Well I just came to inform you all that Loki is in prison and you can rest easy. He will no longer ever be a threat to Midgard again."
"Wow that's great." Tony nodded, "Fantastic. Hey! Anyone want a drink?"
"I'm good." Clint shook his head.
"Midgard alcohol is weak" Thor shrugged, "and I still wouldn't say no. But perhaps another time. I want to check on Jane. It's been months but she's been achieving great things. Awards and nominations, you know she is such a fine and smart woman."
The room was quiet as he went on about her success. How he loved her, and missed her when he was away.
"She sounds amazing. Maybe you should bring her around sometime, I'd love to meet her." Tony hooked his thumbs in his pockets, "We could talk about a lot."
"Uhm no thank Stark." Thor began to take a step back going to the door, "I don't hand feed my women to wolves." He let out a laugh and waved behind him before he left. Clint stayed watching Tony as he irritably shifted his stance and finally glanced at him. He might not be Black Widow kind of advanced at picking up signals and reading body language but Tony looked like he was carrying a lot on his mind.

"Barton" He finally broke the silence taking a seat on the floor of the boxing ring.
"Yeah?" He followed standing in front of him.
"Do you have anything to add?" He asked looking up at him. Steve already distrust him around almost anyone he talks to and gets along with. Thor basically agreed with Steve. They wouldn't trust him around others and be sure he hadn't made a move to get them in bed.
"Maybe go see a relationship councilor. A real one, not rambling on to Bruce."
"Thanks..." he said flat toned.
"Maybe just try seeing it from their point of view. Maybe you didn't flirt with that girl, but Steve is hurt because he thinks you did. Be it you meant to or not, you hurt him." He watched Tony bow his head.
"Yeah, I guess I did." He nodded and stood up again. "Thanks again."
"For what?" Clint asked raising a brow
"For nothing." Tony pushes past him and smacked the button on the elevator to leave.

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