Movie Nignt

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(It's been a while so I made this chapter 'long')

Steve was in pain though he tried not to let it show. He was tired and winded, his shoulder felt like there was a rod flowing with electricity sticking from it. However it was only bleeding from an open hole where said rod once was jabbed. The Hydra agent above him however wasn't showing signs of letting up. The goal being to get the captain unconscious so that they could possibly drag him off to some dark hole of the planet and ruin him.
"Hey!" A voice growled above the both of them a hand raised and the sound of the charging repulsers from the Iron Man suit trailed after, "Get. Off. My. Man!" With a loud burst the suit fired it's charged blast knocking the agent off of Steve allowing him time to wiggle away and hurry back to his feet.
"Thanks." Steve panted clutching the bleeding hole in his shoulder looking around for where his shield had been thrown to.
"Be careful Cap, you lose your looks and I'll have nothing to stick around for." Tony teased but was already assessing the damage in the hud of the helmet. The wound wouldn't be deep enough to kill him. Nothing was broken miraculously and he was able to walk. "Let's go princess, Natasha's holding the jet."
Steve smiled wearily finding the round shield and let it rest on his back. "Stark" He said in a huff, "Lay off will you." He came out of the room the ruble of the building exposing the cold snow cap mountains and flurries of snow fell on his face melting over the hot blood. The black jet hovered in the air as close as it could to the top of the building, Clint waving to them.
"Jump!" He called to Cap and held out his hands almost as if he'd catch him once he made the effort to jump in.
"Ah jeez." Steve huffed measuring the distance he'd have to jump off the dilapidated roof top and into the open haul of the jet.
"You alright Steve?" Natasha asked from her chair keeping the jet steady.
"Peachy." Steve replied nodding and began to take some steps back gearing up to run for his jump.
"I could help! Again." Tony answered behind him.
"I got it! I got it." Steve turned to wave him off only to feel Tony's arms around him and lifting him off the ground. He went limp with a frown as he was carried into the jet, it's doors closing as he was set down.
"You're welcome." Tony's helmet opened showing his perfect smirking face. Not a scratch on him this time. Because he was trying to prove something. That technology was better on a mission. Steve didn't want this competition. He'd admit that both technology and human decision was key to having a successful mission. But he felt Tony was trying to out his opinion, saying technology was all that was necessary. That wasn't the case however. Three days before this mission Tony had been in his workshop for days on end. He didn't sleep for nights at a time and he was producing suits like he was his own automated factory. Steve simply told him all of this production wasn't necessary and Tony went on to argue, 'Yes. It was.' A suit for any occasion, happening, disaster, or alien worm hole.  He'd be prepared for anything, anywhere, anytime. Steve had told him he didn't need to rely on his suits because he had the Avengers, he had him. 

"But what if I didn't Steve?" Tony was clearly upset. Between caffeine, the fumes of adrenaline, and the topic of stopping his projects his voice was shaky and sometimes low and calm but would spike when he was getting frustrated. "Am I the only one that realizes the world doesn't just mean 'Earth' anymore?! The World is now a populated Galaxy with things bigger and stronger than us, AND know where we live! I can't go on pretending that we're the only ones alive and that it was a one time event- why is everyone treating this like it's just some bad dream!? This isn't anything we can wake up from and shake off like it never happened!"
"I'm not saying that." Steve's voice came calmly over the speakers. It was a good thing they had been FaceTiming otherwise he would have wanted to pin Tony down and forcefully make him go to bed. "I know things are different now, Tony but you really don't need all of this. You have people to rely on, but you don't see that do you?"
"Not for nothing Steve," Tony growled rubbing his burning eyes, "I don't see you ready in the slightest for the next advancement in whatever is in store for us. Tech advancement will at the very least, give us a fighting chance."
"You're saying all we need to do a build and hide behind computers?"
"That sounds like what you're saying."

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