Second Date

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The media was on it like Stars and Stripes on a flag. Magazines flew off the shelf with the head liner: 'Power Couple of the Century!'  Newspapers front pages, social media trending feeds, they even had a whole new hashtag. It was like Tony said, some people made it their business to know theirs.
Sure, some people took it personal, that their once idol or favorite Avenger, America's golden boy, the famous inventor Stark were gay. But that shouldn't come to anyone surprise for Tony. His many flings that had made some side notes in scandalous stories of the magazine pages and fed his playboy reputation. He was used to this kind of attention. The snide comments and negative judgment rolled off of him like water on a duck's back. He'd gracefully stand just as tall, head poised high, even a smirk on his face as if he slightly enjoyed ruffling the feathers of others that seemed to have a problem with his personal choices.

Steve on the other hand. He wished he could feel the same. He pretend those comments didn't hurt, but he always felt a jab right into his stomach. He wasn't used to this. He'd never want to do anything wrong. But when people start to blur the lines on what right and wrong was, it was so stressful.

He watched Tony flip through some of the magazine pages with a smile. He smiled at him, his hands grasping the pages, he knew how those hands felt holding his. His smile giving him the wrinkles on his eyes, those deep brown eyes that reminded him of a fawn. That feeling Tony gave him was worth putting up with the comments and personal opinions of others wanting to have a say in who he can feel love with. He finally glanced down to the screen swiping past the negative article he'd come across with a frown and decided to see what this 'hashtag' business was all about. Back in his day, that was known as the 'pound' button on a phone. It was pretty useless as far as he ever had to use.

The hashtag link sent him to an endless archive of related posts. And he found that the fan base was much larger, and so much more talented than that haters. The art depicting him and Tony together was stunning! Some very realistic. And others were actual pictures, photoshopped to make it look like they'd done something they have yet to get to. Now a smile returned to his face going through the pictures. There were even stories! Some very well written. He came to notice that some fans thought of him as being very shy in the relationship. Easily flustered when it came to topics such as intimacy. And they exaggerated the height difference. Tony wasn't 6ft, but he wouldn't have to crane his neck up to look at Steve. Either way these tropes were kind of cute. The suggestion the Tony was sly and promiscuous towards him and in charge of the bed room situations. The fans really knew how to draw that signature smirk. He looked up at Tony again for a comparison.
Oh yes. Spot on.
But a lot of these pictures, no matter how well drawn and the stories very well written, they were all ahead of themselves. Steve hasn't even gotten a kiss yet. He'd be his third kiss. In his life. But his first since he came out of the ice. He would watch his lips as Tony talked some times. The way his tongue would slowly slide over his lips and bite them when he was concentrating. It was nerve wracking. Maybe these pictures of him so easily flustered weren't too far from true after all.
He didn't want to take things slow, but Tony was keeping himself distant. They hadn't gotten passed hand holding and cuddles while they hung out together. Perhaps he'd have to make the first move for that too. Or at least some how let him know he was ready to get closer. If Tony was truly over Pepper like he said, this shouldn't be too hard.

"Sir Director Fury is on the line." Jarvis pulled Tony's attention away from the magazine.
"Really need a secretary for these things." He sighed putting down the book and poked the screen. "Stark here." He answered.
"Tony I need you and Dr.Banner in the lab for me."
"On my way." He answered back. There was never any sass when it came to tinkering in the labs with Bruce. However couldn't he have left that message with Jarvis? Hearing from Fury always sent him a little on edge. He never called for anything good. He got up from his chair to leave when he caught Steve looking up at him. Like a sad puppy when his owners leave the house.
"Oh hey, uh are you free tonight?" He asked lingering next to him.
He saw Steve perk up, "I am a proud American."
Tony smiled bowing his head he's a quick learner. "Dinner at my place?"
"You mean the penthouse?"
The tower technically was Tony's home. He lived in his work. Sometimes sleep was just a memory. Those creeping nightmares would reenforce his insomnia. But until now he wouldn't let anyone past the laboratories to his actual Penthouse. The very last room residing at the very top of the tower. Even the kitchen for everyone else was several floors below.
"Well, unless you want to take a flight to Malibu and would rather a west coast ocean view." He shrugged, "Yeah, the penthouse."
"What time should I expect you?" Steve was fully lit in excitement.
"I'll try not to work too late. Maybe eight."
"Eight? Tony that's kind of late."
"Oh you have a bed time old man?" He chuckled walking backwards to the door.
"No but- hhh Alright. Eight it is then." He gave a smile with a nod letting him disappear behind the wall.

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