Peter Parker

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Kids. Steve said he'd wanted to settle down and have kids. That's an outrageous idea. 'Oh but Clint can do it' he says.
No offense to you Clint Barton 'stans' but of course he can! I mean, look at him. He's so normal? If there is one person this team can do without and be like we never even missed a member it's Hawkeye. Which is why I'm still upset that Bruce Banner is gone. He might not have been on my side in all this or on anyone's side. But he could probably provide some logic to these self righteous asshats. But this is getting off topic.

I never really saw myself as much of a kid person. Settling down, having my own, yeah never gonna happen. It might have, with the right person. Steve, he just ain't it. And yet I still stay with him. I keep thinking I can fix myself. Maybe one day I'll stop messing up so much and he'd love me the way I love him. But in the mean time I thought I'd check into Harley's Spider-Man videos. Turned out they're 100% real. And he's just a teenager- a very smart capable teenager- with awful sewing skills. Who wants to do good in the world and not be completely famous but recognized for the good he does, using YouTube as a way of spreading his message.  He's already far better than me when I was his age. The only thing that mattered to me at his age was sneaking my father's booze and the next girl's skirt I can ruffle.

This kid can go far if he had the right help. Not everyone gets that kind of chance. Plus one day I'd like Harley to meet him. I think they'd get along like they've been long lost brothers. And maybe when all this blows over and everyone is signed with the accords, we could bring him in the Avenger family too.  I checked my watch and back up at the elevator opening and Peter coming out looking around like a lost child in the grocery store.

"Peter." I rose my hand to flag him down and his head snapped in my direction with his eyes lightning up. A common thing I was used to. But it still felt nice to be appreciated for the things you do. He jogged over quickly a back pack bouncing on his back.
"Hey Underoos."
"Mr.Stark the hotel doesn't serve breakfast till 7." He looked around in the practically empty lobby.
"I know. We're going somewhere else."

I'd usually have room service come up to my room and bring me food anyway, but I couldn't stand the waiting. Not on the food, it was the calm before the storm, like a race horse in their stall before the gate opens. I had a strong hope and belief that things would go well. And it was only after I learned not to be so optimistic. Anyway, we drove around seeing the sights before the heavy traffic of the day started up. Peter was gazing out the window and at me the entire time. It was like he didn't know which wonder to look at. I found a small set up serving food to those early risers just across from a park. We sat down with our food continuing the conversation.

"This is nice." Peter looked up at the sky with a smile, "Being so far from home but seeing something familiar." The sun was beginning to rise, "Guess I should be telling my friend 'good night'."
"Do you travel often? You're up bright and early for anyone who has jet lag."
"I wouldn't say often, no. But I was too young to remember the few trips we did take. Aunt May doesn't really travel outside the state. I don't think she can afford to."
It's odd how many things this kid and I have so much in common. "I don't want to reopen any wounds, would it be okay to talk about your parents?"
"Oh, yeah! Yeah I'm fine." He nodded straightening up, "They were great."
"It's crazy when they're gone you seem to remember so much more than you would have if they were still around."
"Maybe because you're making so many more it's hard to keep all of them." He smiled, "One of my favorite memories I have was it was my 6th birthday, I got my first bicycle without the training wheels. Y'know cause all my friends on the block, they were already riding two wheel bikes and making fun of the kids who still had their training wheels."
We both took a moment to laugh. The simpler days of life when your biggest problem was learning to ride a bike without your training wheels. Those were the good times.
"Anyway so, my dad he went out to help me and adjust my seat, my mom was strapping practically pillows on me in case I fall. The thing is, I got on the bike and flew! I was a natural at the balance and everything. I studied the kids and how they rode their bikes, the one thing I completely forgot was how to stop."
"Oh no-"
"Yeah! So I was zooming down the street and my dad calls to me, 'Pete stop! The breaks! Use your breaks!' And all my excitement rushed out the door and I went white as a ghost because I realized I couldn't stop. I just closed my eyes and the next thing I know I'm flung in a ditch."
"Good thing your mom gave you those pillows."
"Yeah! She was so protective. Anyway they run over and I was crying just because I was scared, not really hurt thanks to mom. And dad picked me up mom got the bike and we went home. But that comes up in my head every so often and I think, some kids don't have that. They don't have parents to pick them up when they fall down. Assure them they're okay when they're scared."

No one should ever lose a pair of good parents. Or just the one good parent. Every kid needs someone, hell I'm an adult and I'd give my soul to have someone there for me like my mother was. Or Jarvis. And yeah... even my dad.

"What's your favorite memory of your parents Mr.Stark?"
"My parents were always busy. They ran the company so Jarvis was usually the one looking after me. It's a foggy memory now, I don't remember how old I was or what day it would take place on, but my mom would wake me up early. It was still dark outside and she packed a basket and took me out, just the two of us to a park. And we'd find a picnic table unpack the basket and have breakfast while the sun came up. And spent the time just talking to each other."

I took a sip of the coffee gone lukewarm in its cup and saw Peter's mouth in a little 'o' and then into a big smile looking around the park and the sun coloring the sky. Yeah it was nice to have that one in one time with someone again, have deep conversation and just know a person. Hear their thoughts out loud, crazy day dreams, past experiences, what they feel. Really bond with someone. It completely settled my nerves from before. In this moment with this kid nothing can go wrong. A memory in the making. I hope both of us will remember when I'm long retired- or let's face it no one lives to retirement in my line of work, so when I'm long gone and maybe he has kids or a young intern in his same situation... he'd pass on the tradition.

Thanks mom.

Erosion of the HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora