Jerome opens the door and says"yo dudes we're running out of-"he stops mid sentence when he sees Ty and I and smirks"need some alone time or do one of y'all want to come help get stuff for the house?"Ty blushes and let's his arms drop to his sides. He looks down to clearly cover the bright red blush creeping up on his face. I feel my face start to flush and I put my hands on my face.I look at Jayrome and shrug "sure I'll go be there in a minute" Jerome smirks and leaves but not without saying "see y'all love birds later" That just made Ty's blush grow and mines deepen. I wrap my arms around Ty's waist and pull him closer. He looks at me in the eyes and smiles. Oh how I love that smile.I think and slowly lean in, as does he and our lips lock together. Ty's hands instantly go around my neck, as does mine to around his waist. I lick his bottom lip and he smirks and pulls away. He looks up at me and says "Before we start all that again I think we should go down there before Jerome comes back up here or you won't be going shopping" I laugh and look back into those beautiful eyes. His eyes are shinning with love, happiness, and mischief. I smirk and lightly kiss his lips. Not making out or lust just a sweet kiss. "Your right I better go but we're finishing this later" I say and kiss him one last time and start to leave the room and descend the stairs, pulling Ty along with me.

When I get down there everyone was already down there except munchinguniverse. I lightly laugh and let go of Ty's hand for he can go talk or watch tv, while I start to head over to the counter to grab my keys. I pick them up and walk back to the gang. A smirk grows on my face and I say with a slight chuckle "so where's munching universe?" Right after I say that Tyler comes down the his glasses half way on with a slight blush on his cheeks with Jason in tow putting on his helmet. Mitch chuckles and says "so we're have y'all to been?" Tyler looks down and his cheeks grow darker and Jason rubs the back of his neck. Jerome chuckles and says "thought so". Bodil jumps up and down and starts to run around screaming "MUNCHINGUNIVERSE IS REAL!!!" Over and over while we're all laughing and Tyler is covering his face and Jason is looking down and lightly laughing shacking his head back and forth. Seto looks outside and says "oh wow well if y'all wanna make it to the store to buy stuff y'all might wanna go now it's getting late and the store closes at 11 it's already 10 and it takes a couple to get there" Mitch looks at the timer while wiping away his tears from laughing so hard and nods "Seto's right y'all should go now before it closes if we're gunna have breakfast" We all compose ourselves and start to head out. Me, Jason, Bodil, Jerome, Brice, and Ian pile into the car with me and Ian in front, Jason and Bodil in the middle, and Jerome and Brice in the back. We turn on the radio and start listing to Jerome and Bodil trying to sing to the music. Key word trying.

We got to the store and got enough food to last us a while. We pulled the food in the trunk and all pulled back into the car. This time it's me and Jason I'm front, Ian and Bodil in middle, and Jerome and Brice in back. I plug my phone into the speaker and New World comes on and we all start to sing to it. I put it on shuffle and just listened to the different songs that came on. Even some on antvenoms songs came on m, I didn't even know I had his songs in my playlist oh well. I get stopped by a stoplight and right when I was about to go a loud explosion went off. We all jumped and looked around, music long forgotten. I look at the way of the house to see a light bluish greying smoke lightly across in the air above the area the house is. I step on the gas and speed down the highway as fast as I could without getting a ticket or getting hit or wreck, luckily there was no one out at almost midnight. I turn into the driveway of the house and park the car jumping out, followed by the others. I put my key in the lock and turn slamming the door open but instead of being greeted with Ty or any of the others we're greeted with a light smoke. I start to head towards Tys' room and the others separate behind me. When I reach his room it's locked. I bang on the door but it doesn't budge. I walk back and run ask fast as I could into the door. The hinges snap and the door falls with me on top. I cringe at the bruise in soon going to have on my arm because of that and quickly jump up and run to Tys' bed. There laying on his bed is a sleeping Ty. I sigh in relief and start to walk out, but before I walk threw the door I hear a whimper. I turn abruptly and run back over to Ty's side. I watch in amazement as his hair grows out to about mid thigh. His face morphs into smaller and more feminine. His body starts to deform and he starts to grow curves and....boobs? His legs grow skinnier and slimmer with his body and arms. His finger nails grow a little bit and he slowly starts to stir. My eyes widen in astonishment and I feel light headed. Ty or the female version sits up and looks around confused. He....well she sees me "Adam?" She covers her mouth and he eyes grow wide. The last thing I hear before everything goes dark is "what's happened to me? Oh I hope Adam still likes me like this and omg is he ok?" And footsteps coming towards me.

Well that's Chapter 1 I really hope y'all liked and if y'all did




So I better get started on chapter 2 and of y'all likes this can you also please read or at least look at my SKYLOX book? It's called

SKYLOX I'll always love you.

Well hope y'all liked I'll write to y'all tomorrow BYYYYEEEE

~Wonderer out

Genderbent Love (Skylox, Simdil, Merome, Munchinguniverse, Setosolace, and SSunkipz)Where stories live. Discover now