Chapter 5: Felix's POV

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Y/N, I hope you'll find some of these guys interesting.

"Y/N, I know this guy, his name is Seonghwa," I said while picking up another bite of food, "he's really nice, and I think you'll like him."
She looked at me with disbelief.
"Felix, I just told you that I'm not interested in dating."
"Y/N, can I atleast introduce you to some guys?" I asked her while setting down my fork on my napkin.
She sighed.
"I guess so," She put down her fork and leaned on her fist while tilting her head.
I tilted my head looking into her eyes.
"Wanna meet some of my friends?" I asked her while looking at her and putting my head on my fist. She nodded and stood up and collected our trash.
She went to throw it away and came back.
"Wanna go now or hang out for awhile?" She asked my while putting her hands on the table.
"Let's hang out here for awhile."
I got up and took my drink and stood beside Y/N. She took her drink as well and took my arm.
"Let's go walk around," She while pulling me out of the store. I giggled and followed her.
We walked around and went to some stores.
"Felix, are your friends nice?" She asked me while looking at me with shiny eyes. I looked back at her.
"Yeah, they're all pretty nice."
She nodded and pulled me towards a store. I looked at the store name above the door and it read, 'K-pop Trash'
"Why are we here?" I asked her while tilting my head a bit.
"My sister really likes Kate, so I'm getting their album and some photo cards," She said while turning around and looking at me, "you can stay out here if you want to."
As she was about to walk inside, I grabbed her hand and walked in with her. She looked at me with wide-eyes.
I just pulled her along the store until she stopped walking and looked at albums.
"Felix, here," She said while pointing at the album in her hand, "Can you hold it for me?"
I took the album from her hand and carried it under my arm. She looked at some other things and picked out a pack of photo cards.
"You can head me the album now," She said while pointing at it under my arm.
I looked at it and took it from my arm and gave it to her while smiling. She smiled back and took my hand. She pulled me towards the counter. I followed her and she let go of my hand when we came to the counter. She put the things on the counter.
"Hi, is this all?" The worker asked while taking the items from the counter and scanning them.
"Yes," She said while taking out her card from her bag.
"It will be $11.67," They said while looking at the screen.
She handed them her card and they slid it on the side.
"Would you like this wrapped?" They asked while handing her card back to her.
"Yes please," She said while taking the card and putting it back in her bag.
They wrapped it and set it on the counter.
"Thank you for shopping!"
Y/N slightly bowed and rook my hand and led me out the store. She checked her phone once we got out.
"It's 5:43 PM, wanna go see your friends?" She asked while putting her phone away.
"Uh, sure," I said while taking out my phone. I texted Seonghwa about meeting him at the park. He replied and said yes.
"Let's go, he'll be meeting us at the park," I said while putting my phone back in my pocket and looking at Y/N.
"Ah, okay," She said while looking back at me. I grabbed her and hand led her to the entrance of the store.
I opened the door for her and she went outside and waited for me.
I went outside and grabbed her hand once more and led her towards the park.
Seonghwa was leaning on tree while looking at his phone.
"Seonghwa!" I yelled while waving at him.
He looked at me and smiled and waved. He put his phone away and started walking towards us.
"Y/N, Seonghwa is a good friend of mine, and he's really nice, give him a chance," I said while looking over at her. She looked back at me and nodded.
"Hey Felix, I haven't seen you in a while," I looked up and saw Seonghwa smiling at me.
"It's been a long time since we've last seen eachother," I said while smiling back to him.
"So, wanna catch up, or are you busy?" He asked while gesturing towards Y/N, who was busy in her own world.
"I actually wanted you an Y/N to go on a date. She's really nice, and I know you're looking for someone to date," I said while scratching the back of my head.
"Really? I mean, it's fine, but I need to make sure I'm free, I'm suppose to meet my brother in a couple of hours," He said while scratching his nape.
"Jimin? I haven't seen him for such along Time," I said while checking my phone.
"He's gotten a bit more mature, but not really," He said while chuckling.
I chuckled to.
"Anyways, this us Y/N," I said while gesturing my hand towards her.
She shyly waved and looked down.
"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you," She said while looking down.
"I'm Seonghwa," Seonghwa said while crouching and looking up at her face.
"I'll take my leave now, have fun," I said while walking away, they didn't notice my departure.
As I got closer to the entrance, I looked back and saw that they were gone.
I smiled to myself and took my key out of my pocket. I closed my eyes and then opened them.
I looked around and saw that I was in the portal room.
"Why are you here, go find Y/N's soulmate," I looked behind me and saw Seungmin.
"I just set her on a date, I came back to pass the time," I said while stepping if the pedestal.
"Even Hyunjin doesn't come back this early," He said while pointing at the clock on the wall behind me.
I looked at it and it read 9:31 A.M.
"What's wrong coming back here early?" I asked while looking back at him.
He had my portal key in his hand, he was dangling it off his index finger.
"That means that you've completed your assignment, and that means you've found their soulmate. And I'm guessing that Seonghwa is her soulmate?" He said while lifting an eyebrow. He looked back at the key, then me.
"I-I," I stuttered while looking down.
"I'm guessing that you set her up with a random guy and hoped that they were soulmates," He set the keys down on the small round table next to his seat.
I looked back at him and saw that he was eyeing me with a small glare.
"Go back, and don't come back before eight, and find her soulmate," He said while picking the keys back up.
I looked up and he threw the keys at me. I caught them before they fell on the ground. These keys are precious, one cracked can break them, and we only have a limited supply.
"Go, now," Seungmin said while glaring at me fully. I bowed and turned around.
I walked over to the pedestal and stepped on it. I went on the portal and closed my eyes.
Before I left I heard Seungmin say something.
"Felix, remember, her soulmate isn't who you think it is."

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